Admin Post: Introductory Post

Aug 09, 2007 11:53

wankingnotwank is a Harry Potter Fanfic/Fanart community that is focused on wank in the best possible way. If you are feeling a need to blow off some steam from fandom wank and stupidity, nothing helps like a good wank. We're a happy place, and we have zero tolerance for complainers.

Writers and artists aged 18 and over are invited to submit their wanking-themed works of any ship, character and scenario. Submitted works need not be new - if you have an old wanking fic that hasn't been read in a while, why not repost it here? Since the HP fandom is so diverse, it would be excellent to have a cross-section of work that reflects the variety - a little bit of something for everyone!

An age statement is required for membership, so if you ask to join and do not have an age statement in your user info or a year on your birthdate, please comment here with your age statement. We can't approve membership without it. Or if your journal looks like a sock puppet but it's really not, please comment and let us get to know you.

Bring on the wanking!

(Oh, and if you want to volunteer to make this community look nicer, please comment. But I'm not giving SA/LJ another dime, just so ya know. ETA: sexyscholar is all over it!)

admin, age statements, intro

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