Jan 01, 2007 00:01

Call me a sourpuss, I don't care! I've just rolled my eyes at the most annoying New Year's coverage EVER ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

k_t18 January 1 2007, 05:26:20 UTC
Yea I didn't watch anything but the last minute. I've been watching the Marx Brothers Movies on TCM that they're playing all night.


wandmaker January 1 2007, 05:33:09 UTC
Ooh, Kate! I totally forgot!

The Marx Brothers always cheer me up!

Thanks, Sweetie!


k_t18 January 1 2007, 05:52:15 UTC
You're welcome! It's Night at the Oprea right now. One of the best comedy movies ever! I love Harpo.


norton_gale January 1 2007, 13:39:04 UTC
I'm happy as long as I hear the countdown. I was there watching the ball drop one year in San Francisco. It was freezing, and not much fun. You were probably better off at home, despite the annoying coverage. :)


wandmaker January 1 2007, 16:18:23 UTC
Yeah, as long as I had my Martinelli's Cranberry Apple along with that plate of Hostess Cupcakes, everything else was fine.

Happy New Year, sweetie. I can't wait to read more of your wonderful stuff.


norton_gale January 1 2007, 18:24:09 UTC
Happy New Year to you!

And thanks for the lovely compliment- it makes me feel so good to know that you enjoy my writing. I look forward to reading more of your posts! :)


chiralove January 1 2007, 20:37:30 UTC
hehe! Hope you had a good evening in the end, anyhow - Happy New Year!


wandmaker January 1 2007, 23:59:39 UTC
Thanks, you, too!.(I'm still laughing over the "unzip your genes" post.)

BTW - the "To-Do List" series rules!)


chiralove January 2 2007, 13:53:19 UTC
hehe, I do love geeky science jokes ... they're just too much fun. :)

Thanks! I'm flattered to hear you say so! :)


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