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Comments 10

hermorrine April 30 2007, 14:05:46 UTC
Hmm. Last time, I was with a group of HP friends and we all read that night for as long as we could stay awake, then got up the next day and finished reading. I'm expecting I'll do the same thing this time, which should make for avoiding being spoiled.


wandmaker May 1 2007, 20:44:53 UTC
Wait. You read it with as group of friends? Like, aloud?

Might be cool that way.


hermorrine May 2 2007, 03:39:06 UTC
No, not aloud. That'd drive me nuts - I read way faster than human speech. We're from various places in the country and a bunch of us flew into one city and stayed at one friend's home, did the 'get the book at midnight' thing and then finished it the next day, then dissected it after we were all done. It was certainly better as a shared experience, even just sitting around reading in silence, than being alone.


wandmaker May 2 2007, 15:46:26 UTC
Yeah, I see what you mean.

(Although, I must admit - I didn't "read" Book Six first. I bought the Jim Dale audio CD and listened to it unfold slowly, instead. The reason? I would have raced impatiently though the text, without stopping to enjoy it. I also would have peeked at the last page, like I usually do.)


r_grayjoy May 1 2007, 03:10:04 UTC
Hiya! I'd just been wondering whether you were still out there. ;)

My position is essentially this: Spoilers? Bring 'em on.

Two reasons: first, I'm going to be at Sectus when the book comes out. The only possibly way that I could avoid being spoiled would be to hole myself up in my hotel room until I had finished reading the book, thus missing a good chunk of the conference in the process. No thanks. I'm not spending an insane amount of money to go to Sectus for that. So I've just decided to accept that spoilers are inevitable.

Second, I actually WANT to be spoiled for one thing -- character deaths. Particularly Snape. I admit it; I have an emotional investment in certain characters, and in my fandom involvement. I want to know what to expect before I ever crack the book. Otherwise, my copy is likely to go sailing through a window at least once. ;)


wandmaker May 1 2007, 03:27:07 UTC
Although I do understand that most people at Sectus are going to be very respectful of not agree about the spoiling the thing (it's usually the non-HP people who blow it for everyone else ( ... )


r_grayjoy May 1 2007, 03:38:34 UTC
Yes, and the organizers are working hard to create "spoiler free" and "spoiler okay" zones. But if we see known Snape fans wandering around weeping, that's going to be a bit of a giveaway. ;)

Hahahaha! Your Dead Pool? Rocks. :P

"Sirius just has his foot caught in the Veil" and "McGonagall is a horcrux" particularly crack me up. Hee! I think JKR already dismissed the idea of Pettigrew offing Remus with the silver hand, BUT she didn't say that he wouldn't off FENRIR with it. My money is on Ratfucker taking out Babyeater in order to fulfill his life debt to Harry. ::smirk::


wandmaker May 1 2007, 20:43:41 UTC
Yeah, you're right. Even if people keep their mouths shut, there still is the matter of SnapeHeads wandering around shattered. Ya can't hide something like that!

I personally believe that if Sirius really is Dead F. Dead, then the dramatic thrust has to be towards a surviving Snape reaching a true emotional detente with Harry. Both guys can't be dead and leave Harry with no strong parental figure.

I just don't buy it.

Plus, you ever notice how Rowling does that misdirection thingy - leading us to make the wrong assumptions? I think she planted Snape as the heavy in Book #1 so that we'd assume he has nowhere else to go but Dead City.

I'd love to see Umbridge get her annoying soul sucked, though. (Might be a funny scene with a repulsed Dementor)

Do you really thing Ratfucker is gonna do something heroic?


(The comment has been removed)

wandmaker May 1 2007, 20:36:06 UTC
Except for my kid brother (and Book#7 is his Birthday prezzie from me) nobody else in my extended family gives a rats ass about Harry Potter...so nobody will be blabbing on the telephone.

I don't want to rush through it, like I did with #6. I want to savor it slowly - so I really hope this one is deliciously readable (and not painful like #5 - too many "ick" moments with Umbitch...not to mention That Other Thing.)

Hey! Do we know how long this one is yet?


tjs_whatnot July 15 2007, 07:37:12 UTC
Hey, don't know if you're still reading these--since you don't write in LJ anymore *single tear* but I have a bet with apythia about Snape's survival rate...want in on it?

Go to my journal to see the stakes--which of course would mean that you would have to friend me *hint! hint!*


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