Because of the snow.
In San Antonio, Texas.
I'll get more sleep once I stop beaming and staring at it.
Half snowday. And snow. And more sleep. So, so, so happy.
Or after you know I get my minimum in of playing in it. In my purple Korea fleece pjs. It's in the mid-twenties so it doesn't feel cold enough to need bundling up for twenty minutes spent in the parking lot/little field area next to the tiny forest. I can't even tell you how much my heart has missed this. I don't even care that it'll be gone by afternoon.
Glorious, glowing white spread out forever. A world of the smallest, beautiful crystals. The crunchy sound when you set your shoes into it the first time. The blocky sound the happens when you're walking across it shifting your weight. The way the air feels thinner and cleaner. And all the world seems to pause, as if holding its breath.
Happy Imbolc night of 2011, indeed, which brought me snow. The second thing I've longed for most this whole winter. Because my Texas winter will never be like my last two in Seoul. So I take everything I can out of it today. Totally worth the tearing up and the laughing.