Oct 26, 2010 21:09
I've been thinking a lot about innocence this month. From the moment my throat seized while reading the words of Lady White, this month has been consumed with thoughts about innocence. From her mouth, came the same thoughts I had back tramping through the woods at the RCG retreat, previous to my psychic two-by-four.
When I was talking to the universe and myself about how maybe innocence is not the unknowing, the untouched, so much as the experience and refusing to be hardened, bittered, changed away from the core. About how maybe every step of our life is not about stripping from ourselves our innocence, but stripping away our life, not matter how bad or how good, by healing and moving through things, into a deeper and deeper, purer and purer, innocence.
I live in a glass house and I call myself willing. To believe. To love. To forgive. To understand. I can't tell either of them in words how much my heart lit up the first time he said, sweetness and light. It's not about not having ever been hurt. It's about choosing who you are, what your life is, where your heart is, what you believe, what you keep with you and in you, what you give up and give back to the world.
rcg path,
temple of twelve: white,
temple of twelve,