So when we last left off in my sleeping adventures I went to bed late before class and woke up groggy as all the world. I went to my class on fourish hours sleep and stayed awake through all of it. Even ran errands afterward. Managed a thread, but absolutely no multitasking during it, due to exhaustion. Banking on the idea from My Girl (
sageness) I decided to go to bed at fifteen til eight or past eight, something near that, and just give up my whole night. Why not more sleep to correct sleep. Fell asleep seconds after my head hit the pillow.
Then at around ten thirty my phone rings. I grab it to shut it up and roll back over. But the sleep is gone. My body is now drastically wide awake and I'm swearing at it in mutters in the dark. Instead I pick up my cell and call
kyllo back, but without an answer, so I try sleep again. Still nothing.
And, indeed, there was no more sleep that night (Saturday night) until six in the morning (Sunday morning).
But at that point I did sleep eight or more hours. Thus I am rested which is better. Last night was still a crazy am bedtime, but it was a few hours earlier, and around eightish hours of sleep. So here's to hoping I can slowly reign it in a little more and more each night for when bedtime happens.
In unhealth related news, I've had some really lovely things in the last few days.
My Reformed Congregation of the Goddess Artemis Path was, withholding one or two problematic things, very beautifully, brilliant. It makes me want to go out and buy a statue of her. I have my moon mask of her, but I want something with a bow and a short tunic. We made a head wreath, which I was leery of before my arrival because of this boa mention, but it turned out gorgeous. I now own a head wreath made of white ribbons and white flowers, that jingles when I walk. (It hangs above my Year of Goddesses Altar now.) I enjoyed getting to welcome everyone to her temple, but I had to admit I am still not a fan of the split classes. Other nifty thing was getting invited to the house of a woman who owns an archery range; which makes me all giddy.
Central Market had Dive In this past weekend, which was a weekend devoted to all sorts of seafood. I have eaten shrimp, gotten a new herbal recipe for my next tuna salad, and learned how to cook black mussels and bacon wrapped scallops. Was a little blast. Have not bought more tea there, though my poll has made me curious on a number of them. I did, though, buy myself flowers because I've missed having them in the house again. This weekends bunch is four strands of beautiful purple-white orchids in a tall square shaped vase.
I literally drove to the Wal-Mart near me last night for Cadbury egg, a roll of foil, and a marinade bottle and the grocery store section ate me for two hours. I came home with twelve heavy bags. My fridgerator is now filled with foods I like once again, many of which I kept saying for a month or a few weeks I needed but would get to later, which will encourage the not eating out and the not sugar splurging. Spoiled myself on a few things there when reminded of talk from a while ago with
genarti. A four pack of a tiny Moscato bottles, fresh tiny motzerella, Cadbury crème and caramel eggs.
Last night I finished a beautiful book I randomly fell upon in Half Price Books last week, called The Book of Mechtilde. It's the tribute story of one daughters grief over her mother's cancer and eventual death told in parallel with the book of Job. It is a work of poetry and art with these gorgeous mandela's on every right page. Her family culture--Jewish, Christian, European, African, Chinese, Indian, and Creole--influences her words and art. Somewhere about a fourth from the end, all teary eyed, I realized that, should things go my way shortly, I will want to give a copy of this text to Rose and my mother.
I think with that I am off to drink my Earl Grey Green Tea, read over some e-mails that need responses, and then to relaxedly start a new book while listening to the pitter-patter of the rain outside my windows.
My love you to each and every one of you.