Wutaiverse 1982

Aug 07, 2007 00:03

So here I'm posting 1982 in its entirety, so no one has to go jumping back and forth between pages every couple of minutes.


Title: 1982
Author: Scrolls
Rating: PG-13?
Fandom/Pairing: FF7/None (eventual Aeris/Cloud/Sephiroth/Zack)
Disclaimer: SqaureEnix Owns, I'm just having some fun.
Notes: The entire chapter and where it all began.
Summary: What if Momma Strife had taken Cloud and Aeris and gone to Wutai?

Constructive criticism will be hugged while flames will be used to line the bunny hutch.

Enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen.

01 - War Delayed

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Lord Godo. Our tests are all in accord, the ancient texts are correct.”

Godo sat back, his thoughts racing as this one report sent an entire spectrum of plans and strategy’s into a cascade of reorganization.

In Wutai there was a custom to purposely seed and encourage the presence of certain plants, fungi and mosses. Flowers planted in gardens, along trade roads, and the openings to mineshafts. Bushes and trees grown along city streets, and perimeters. Vines trained to grow on walls, bridges, and heavily trafficked mountain passes. Fungi and mosses, also grown within mine entrances, and were made into incense to be burned at specific times.

But, just as there were plants the Wutai tended to, there were others that they eradicated. Trees and bushes chopped up and burned. Flowers and vines shredded and composted. Fungi and mosses, mixed with liquids, boiled, and buried. There was even one plant where the only safe method was to feed it to a dog, and burn the corpse.

These traditions were so much a part of Wutaian culture that there were even a pair of songs to help teach these practices to children. ‘The Opening Bud’ and ‘The Wilting Weed’ taught how to identify each plant and encourage its growth or safely dispose of it.

No one in living memory could recall why these traditions existed, except that they protected from danger. But from what danger or how was also unknown.

But a recent discovery of an ancient temple had unearthed a series of ancient texts that had revealed the truth:

These plants, fungi and mosses had the power to both repel and attract monsters, even the great dragons, whom none could tame were affected by these flora.

‘This,’ Godo thought sitting up and handing out his orders ‘changes everything.’

02 - Cloud meet Ninja

They were back again.

Hidden in the brush he could see them, the 6 strangers that had arrived sometime after the new moon. They were out in the meadows collecting flowers.

Normally Cloud would have gone down to say hello, but not this time. He didn’t want to get anywhere near anyone handling the monster plants.

‘Are they going on a monster hunt?’ he thought shaking his head at the thought of anyone trying to attract the creatures that stalked the mountains.

Turning back to the meadows Cloud continued to watch the five figures at their work.


Five? There was supposed to be six! Where was the other-

“Hello little one.”

Yelping, Cloud jumped, right hand sliding on the lose bark and dirt, toppling him hard enough to leave a bruise come morning.

Looking up he saw the missing stranger. Black hair, dark slanted eyes, and high cheekbones is a face that came from nowhere around Nibel. Brown high collared sleeveless long coat, lose black leggings, grey long sleeved undershirt, whiteish wrappings around his forearms and lower legs.

It was the metal that caught his eye. Stretching from left shoulder to right hip was a strap of leather that reminded Cloud of a harness. Hooked onto this were maybe two dozen or more odd pieces of steel that looked as if someone had taken four triangles and fused them with a small circle.

Cloud had heard the stories told by the older boys; about what kinds of weapons existed and who used them. And according to those tales, there was only one group of people who used a weapon like that;


03 -Truth of Shinra

She was such a fool. From her window Meryl Strife could look directly at the Shinra Mansion, and while the scene was picturesque, the thoughts in her mind were anything but.

For 17 years Meryl had worked for Shinra’s Genetic Research and Genealogy Department, helping to decode the human genome and to figure out what genes did what. Later she had headed the project that had searched for the genetic remnants of the race that had existed before hers.

It was she who had found the woman, Ifalna, the last remaining pureblood Ancient. She who had found her, and she who had doomed her. Meryl had believed Shinra when they had claimed they wanted to help the last survivors; both to continue their race and learn from them, or find a way to hybridize them with humans, so that in a way they could live on. She had believed those lies, and had sentenced Ifalna to life in Hojo’s laboratory.

She should have suspected something was wrong when immediately after announcing her discovery to the board, she and her husband Derrick, were asked to come here. Derrick was to work with a group up at the reactor, designing and testing monster containment units, while she was to pull double duty; decoding the DNA of the monster species, and teaching Nibelheim’s children. She had balked at first not wanting to return to the place that she had joined Shinra to get away from. But once again Shinra lied, and once again she believed; who better to teach them than one of their own? If they were better educated they could make Nibelheim more prosperous.

And thus she returned to the place of her birth.

Two years after their arrival Derrick died in an accident up at the reactor. Five months later she gave birth to Cloud.

One month ago she discovered why Shinra had really wanted to find the Ancients.

She had gotten her hands on a DNA sample that she had immediately realized as a Human/Ancient hybrid. A quick search had lead her to a highly classified file. Wondering how a hybrid could exist without her knowing, she had hacked the file.

That was how she had discovered Aeris, who her parents were, and what had happened to them. For the next several hours she had hacked and read Ifalna and Gast’s files. Discovering the truth of what her work had lead to. And in those hours the lies Shinra had told her were stripped away to reveal the truth.

She learned how Shinra had woven those same lies to capture Ifalna, how she and Gast had escaped to Icicle Inn. She learned how Aeris had had 20 days of newborn freedom before Hojo had come; killing her father and taking her and Ifalna back to labs for experimentation.

In the past month Meryl had ruthlessly hacked every file she could; the S.O.L.D.I.E.R. process, Project JENOVA and Sephiroth, Shinra’s plans for Wutai, Neo-Midgar, and the current situation outside the mountains. She also learned yesterday that the facility that Ifalna and Aeris were normally kept at had been damaged, and that the pair was being transferred to Nibelheim until it had been repaired.

Footsteps on the stairs pulled Meryl from her thoughts as Cloud, finished with this schoolwork and chores headed out to play.

“Cloud Sweetie? Would you do me a favor?” she asked.

“Okay.” He said walking to her.

Kneeling down she held out a packet of paper,” When you see your ninja friends today would you give them this for me?”

Taking the packet Cloud looked at it for a moment before tucking it into his backpack.

“Sure Mom.” He told her, pausing to see if she had anything else to say.

A quick peck on the forehead and she shooed him off “Have fun, but mind the dangers!”

Her foolish naiveté had done great harm, but perhaps the fates would gift her with a chance to make things right.

04 - Hojo gets his orders

“Enough Hojo! I have made my decision and. It. Is. Final!”

Hojo blinked, his train of thought coming to a halt. It was rare when even the president interrupted him. Pulling his scattered thoughts together he began to formulate a new direction from which to discourage the president from his current plan.

“But sir! Sending him to Wutai before his education is complete-“

“Wutai has officially been put on the back burner, Hojo. Do you have any idea what’s been going on out there?”

Absorbed in the last stages of Sephiroth’s Wutai preparations and the latest results from several other projects;, Hojo had absently noted that something seemed to be worrying many of his underlings-most of whom came form the smaller towns far from Midgar. But as it had caused no drop in efficiency, he hadn’t paid it any mind.

“I see not.” The president scowled, “Very well, allows me to update you.”

“Three weeks ago monster attacks suddenly increased by a factor of five, and it hasn’t dropped a bit! Dragon sightings have jumped from ten a month to ten every three days, and the number of attacks is over 20 and those reports are just from those places with Shinra facilities! Over the past two weeks I’ve had no less than 170 personnel disappear and over 300 reports of sabotage or missing equipment. I one case an entire warehouse full of attack drones was found totally empty!”

“75% of our non-Midgar facilities are in chaos, and the only reason the rest are any better is because they are lose enough that we can radio instructions to them until their new managers arrive. And as of three days ago all continental and inter-city trade came to a complete stop, the trade caravans and cargo fleets are refusing to move one inch unless they have an armed escort.”

Leaning back in his chair the president shot Hojo the kind o firm gaze that he’d long since come to associate with board meetings.

“This morning I gave orders to General Ghattis to halt the build-up. He’ll be splitting his forces between reinforcing our facilities, guarding the caravans and fleets, and sending whoever’s left to protect the settlement that look to Shinra. As of six hours ago I got confirmation that there are two dragons headed straight for Midgar. The first is due to arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon, and second in two to three days. Plus there is a third that may or may not be heading in our direction.

It was the mention of dragons that told Hojo where all this was going. Seeing his reaction the president continued before he could open his mouth.

“If he can kill one dragon he can kill more. From now on your pet project will be earning his keep, Hojo!” The expression on the president’s face told him point-blank that there would be no compromise, no negotiations, and no alterations. Hojo knew when to bow to the man’s wishes and this was one of those times.

A single jerky nod was the only response he gave to the quiet order.

“Good.” The steel was gone from the president’s voice as he shifted forward in his seat. “Captain Bradley from the Sixth will come by to collect Sephiroth in about half an hour. He’ll have all the equipment necessary, but you may add to the boy’s supplies as you see fit. However, I suggest you keep in mind that the Captain has the right to veto anything you may wish to include. Oh, and don’t expect to get him back anytime soon, after the dragons I’ve got an entire list of places he’ll be sent to next.”

“Very well Mr. President.” Tasted sour in Hojo’s mouth, and taking the man’s silence as a dismissal he left, unable to hide his anger as he strode to the elevators.

Damn it all! If he’d just had another 20-24 hours he could at least finish placing the command locks on the safeguards that he’d been implanting in Sephiroth. But no, without those locks the commands would erode from simple disuse. And who knew when he would get his hands on Sephiroth again!

05 - Sephiroth gets out

He was supposed to go to Wuati.

And for the past two years he had been trained for that purpose.

Language, culture, governmental system, military hierarchy, fort locations, roads, settlement locations and population size, topography, flora, fauna, religion, history, and monuments. Everything he would need to conquer the island.

He was supposed to go to Wutai.

But now he wasn’t.

According to the orders that had arrived, he was to be assigned to the sixth squad for immediate deployment to the Midgar area.

Professor Hojo had taken one look at the orders and had stormed off to get an explanation from the president. His instructions as he left was that they were to begin the experiment without him, to monitor and record everything while he was gone.

The Turk who brought the news had simply watched the doctor leave. As soon as the door closed he turned to the orderlies and told them to ignore that last command. “It doesn’t matter what the Doctor says, the President won’t be changing his mind. His new Captain will be here soon, so get him out of all that and ready to go.”

Evidently deciding that the orders of a Turk speaking on behalf of the President superseded orders given by Hojo, the orderlies had quickly unstrapped him from the stimulus chair. Never had Sephiroth been more glad for the Turks presence. The day the Turks had become a part of lab life was the end of Hojo’s more painful experiments.

Especially since from what he’d overheard this would have been the last session with the machine, meaning whatever Hojo had been doing to him was almost completed, and for Sephiroth this had been the most frightening thing Hojo had done to him yet.

It was a simple set up, a heavy chair, bolted to the floor, with a helmet on the back that covered his eyes and ears, that could play video and sound. At first he’s been wary, new things had generally meant pain. But after the first few times of doing nothing but sitting there watching the swirling colors and listening to the music, he had simply started napping through the whole thing.

It was weeks later, when he had gotten violent during a particular test, Hojo had simply looked at him, said a strange combination of words in tones and Sephiroth’s world had gone black.

He had awoken hours later, strapped to a table. It was then that he’s realized how docile he had been. And that that docility-as well as an intense nausea that appeared whenever he thought of disobeying Hojo-had appeared after he began to sleep through the sessions.

His thoughts, his will, the only freedoms he had, the only freedom that he had believed was untouchable by Hojo. But Hojo was now attempting to take that freedom away, and that truly scared him, in a way nothing else the man had ever done, it scared him.

After that he never slept through another session again, his breathing controlled to mimic sleep, his eyes closed to block the visual, doing his best to ignore the music and the nausea roiling through him as he happily thought of all the things he would ever do to the man if he ever got the chance.

Now he stood before the Turk, showered and dressed in the uniform brought with his orders, listening as he finished where Hojo had interrupted.

“Captain Bradley from the sixth will be here soon. You’ll be assigned to the unit for the time being. Your gear is waiting for you at the barracks. Since no one has any idea when you’ll be returning to the lab the Professor will probably want to add a few things, but the Captain will decide which additions will actually go with you.”

“Killing the pair of dragons headed for Midgar, along with a possible third will be your unit’s immediate responsibility. After which you will be dispatched where needed. The Captain will give you a full briefing either today or tomorrow morning, any questions?”


“All plans for Wuati have been put on hold until the current crisis is over.”

Sephiroth knew that Hojo had been figuring out a way to continue his monitoring and experimentation from afar. But now, it seemed that planning was ruined.

He was supposed to go to Wutai.

He wasn’t.

Hopefully this change would be less painful than others.

06 - Packing Up

’15,000 Gil, lightning and restore materia. Ten days travel food, clothing, travel cloaks, and sleeping bags for her, Cloud, Ifalna, and Aeris. Photo albums, inheritance necklaces, and family journals. Portable computer, bio-sample containers, and external data storage units. Clouds books, school things, and treasures.’

She had eight saddlebags and four backpacks to fill for herself, Cloud, Ifalna, and Aeris for the trip to Wutai. Two weeks of correspondence with the ninja had lead to the message from Lord Godo three days ago approving the operation.

Yesterday she had helped the ninja sneak into the lab to steal the biological samples.

Yesterday she had copied every file she could from the computer.

Yesterday Ifalna and Aeris had arrived.

Looking at the piles around her, Meryl knew this was it, she had pared down as much as she could. It was time to pack. Grabbing a saddlebag she started on the photo albums and journals.

“Momma? Do we really have to go?”

Looking up from her packing Meryl turned to the kitchen table. Tucked underneath, with his own saddlebag and his things waiting his turn to pack up, was Cloud. And looking into his eyes, Meryl could see his fear; the fear of leaving Nibel, his world, his home, leaving behind the culture and rules that he had grown up with.

The saddlebag forgotten, Meryl picked her way over to the table, and scoped Cloud up from underneath. Settling them both in one of the chairs, she held him close. She understood his fear, for she had felt it herself decades ago the first time she left Nibelheim. And like her, Cloud would have to face that fear and adapt to a new culture, a new environment, and new world.

“Yes sweetie. I’m sorry, but we have to go. The bad people I told you about are coming and we need to leave before the get here.”

“But Momma, you work for Shinra, and what about everyone else?

Meryl felt her heart ache, despites the fact that they had turned him into the village scapegoat, the outcast of his generation, Cloud still had a big enough heart to care about those stupid, foolish people.

“I used to work for Shinra sweetie, but they lied, have been lying all along. And I believed their lies, but now I know the truth, the truth that my work for them was used to hurt people. And I have tried to warn the others, but they won’t listen. They have made up their minds to stay and we can’t force them to come with us.”

Setting Cloud down she knelt in front of him, two fingers under his chin to make sure she could look him in the eye. “I’m sorry sweetie, but we are going, and nobodies’ coming with us. But we’ll be okay, I promise. Where we are going, the people there will help us, will help us drive Shinra out of Nibel and then we can come back okay?”

“Okay Momma.” She could still hear the doubt in his voice, but the fact that he was still willing to do as she asked was enough.

“Thank you, Cloud. You go ahead and get started on your packing okay? We need to go to bed soon since we’re getting up super early tomorrow.” Watching him go back under the table, Meryl banished her worries, she had made her decision, had set their path, the only thing to do now was to see it though.

At least when all was said and done she could honestly say she tried to warn them. The first town meeting after she had discovered the truth she had shared what she claimed were misgivings about Shinra. And their answer? Swift and loud, a declaration that they trusted Shinra and that that trust would never be shaken. In that moment she knew that she and Cloud were on their own, the reason she had reached out to her son’s ninja friends.

Shaking her head to dispel her thoughts, Meryl returned to task at hand. Tomorrow they would be leaving Nibelheim and all its people to their fates.

She only hoped that Nibelheims' children could one day forgive their parents for their decision.

07 - Break Out

Swiping her keycard Meryl stepped into the Specimen Holding Area. Yesterday, along with copying data she had tried to increase her security clearance without anyone realizing. But after that proved fruitless, she had tried a different tactic.

As far as the security systems were concerned Professor Hojo had just entered the room. And at this time of day, no one would be at the security monitors to see the truth.

Two of the ninja had stayed behind to watch over Cloud and the birds. The other four had come in with her, and by the shivers running down her back, they were still with her, blended into the shadow in such a way as to be untraceable by beast, man, or machine.

Turn right, swipe keycard at door marked: Human Specimens.

Follow the hall, find cell 13 for Ifalna, 14 for Aeris.

Meryl paused, holding the card at the top of the reader. This was it, the moment when she would truly be confronted with all her research led to. The day she would meet the people her discoveries had caused so much pain.

She felt as if an entire herd of chocobos were stampeding around her intestines.

She slid the card through.

The door opened.

There she was.

She stood on the other side of the door, as if waiting for them. Meryl could see the faint surgical scars on her shaved head. Bruises on wrists, ankles, and neck showed how hard she fought. She knew there were more bruises and many other scars covered by the smock that utterly failed to hide just how thin she was. The two of them were of a height, able to look each other straight in the eye.

Her eyes.

She could see it in her eyes; the anger, the hate, the knowledge, the resentment.

The blame.

“I am so sorry.”

08 - On the boat to Wutai


Cloud clung to his pail, breathing shallow as the boat rocked, shoving the pipe he had latched onto deeper into his armpit and slamming his opposite shoulder into the wall.

He was cold, sick, bruised, tired, and all alone in the room he and his mother shared.

Wedged between the two supports, his back to the door, Cloud just focused on not breathing to deeply. When he did that he could taste the stink of the boat, and his stomach did not like that.

Momma said they had to leave Nibelheim, because the bad people, the Shinra, had lied and momma had found them out and now they were coming to Nibelheim. That’s why they had to meet the ninja, why they had to ride, day after day, even when he hurt and couldn’t stand. Why he had to carry Aeris behind him, because the Shinra had hurt her and her mother, making them to sick to ride alone.

The boat rolled, sending him into another round of dry heaves, his stomach long since emptied.

“I want Momma.” He whispered to himself, panting as he fought back the tears.

He was six years old; he was a big boy now, so he shouldn’t be crying. But he wanted his mother, he wanted her to come and hold him, and sing to him, and stroke his hair like she always did before whenever he got sick.

But no matter how hard he wished, the only time she came to the room was to sleep, the ninja came to see him, but they only stayed long enough to cast the spells so he could eat and to empty the bucket.

More empty heaves racked his body, pushing the tears loser to the surface. Cloud held his breath, trying to force them back. His chest hurt, his eyes hurt, his stomach hurt, and he was trying so hard not to-if he just didn’t-he just wanted someone to-

And then his breath came out all at once, and he couldn’t breathe because it kept hitching. Then everything started to go fuzzy and water-like around the edges, and it was really hard to see. And there was wet pouring down his face.

Hunched over the bucket, Cloud just tried not to breathe too deeply.


Aeris slipped her feet out of the shoes, her toes splayed as far as they could go so she could feel the wood beneath her feet.

This place was so different from the labs. The labs were concrete and steel, glass and plastic, cold and lifeless, pain filled and uncaring. But this place was different; she could feel the echo of life still left in the wood. She heard whispers speak of children playing in branches, visions danced across her eyes of still forest nights under a full moon, and she felt the echo of soft spring rain falling on young leaves on her skin.

The people at the labs called it her ‘voices’ but it was more than that. There were voices yes, but it was also visions, sounds, touch, memories, and emotions. A song that encompassed all the senses, all left behind in the lifestream to dance within her mind like wisps of smoke.

Closing her eyes as she breathed deeper, Aeris let herself sink into the song of the woods’ life as living trees before being shaped into its current form.

She frowned as a new song started to weave its way in. a song of despair, of longing, of a stomach turning queasiness that she understood all too well, and a loneliness she knew even better.

Her feet were already moving her closer and closer to the source of this new song. She had felt a version of this song before, she knew him-him? Yes, him-as the one she had ridden behind.

Opening her eyes at the feel of a doorknob, Aeris pushes the songs away; she didn’t want the lifestream’s words in her mouth, not this time anyway.

Opening the door, she stepped into a room that was little bigger than her cell back at the labs. A pair of bunk beds on the far wall, with the side walls taken up by saddle bags and backpacks hung form hooks.

And in the near right hand corner, his back to the door, wedged between some piping and the wall, was Cloud. His clothing and hair was sweat stained, and his spikes drooped almost flat. Watching his shoulders shake with each hitched breath, she could hear the faint sound of teardrops falling.

Breathing as deep as she could Aeris reached inside of herself. Dropping to her knees behind Cloud she wrapped her arms around him and exhaling, casted her songs into him.

Morning dew and still mountain lakes to calm his stomach, bright sunlight and kite-filled skies to dry his tears, and finally, warm summer rain and ripening fields to soothe his bruises. All were songs her mother had given to her years ago to help her get through all the labs did to her.

But the last song she gave was of herself; so he would know that he wasn’t alone.

Within heartbeats he was calm, his breathing smoothing out, even his spikes returning to their proper heights. Then, shifting as little as possible-as if afraid he was in some dream that would go away if he wasn’t careful-he turned to look at her.

“Did you-Are you-Umm, Aeris right?” He asked seeming unsure which question to ask first.

“Yep, and you’re Cloud.” Hers was more of a statement.

“Yeah, Did…did you do that?”

“Un-huh, if you want, I can stay, to keep the sick away.”

Watching him duck his head and look away, as if afraid to ask, afraid that she would leave if he did, leave when he finally had someone with him.

A person’s song will tell you the truth; of who they are, what they want, what they need.

True words, given to her by her mother, who’s advice she now followed, Aeris instead listened to Cloud’s song, instead of his words.

His song spoke of wanting her to stay, of being so alone it hurt, of relief that he wasn’t sick anymore, of how different she looked now that she was awake.

Giving a purely mental sign at his silliness Aeris resettled herself, arms still wrapped around Cloud, she moved until she could lean her back against the wall, and rest her heard against his shoulder.

Wiggling a little until both of them were comfortable, Aeris reached inside herself once again, and opened herself to the songs of the wood. Only this time, she made sure she wasn’t the only one listening.

09 - Palace Arrival

Simple wood panel’s covered the room, thick carpets and tapestries added black, red, and yellow to the brown. The huge desk was a pure ebony that captured the eye and held it.

Sitting alone in the room Meryl couldn’t help but admire the intimidation going on, and this was just the furniture!

Cloud, Aeris, and Ifalna were at the infirmary. Cloud was suffering the effects of long-term nausea. Aeris had mostly recovered during their time on the boat, but a strange tiredness had taken hold of her halfway across the northern seas. Ifalna would eventually heal, but would need much more care to recover form the experiments done to her.

Even if the meeting went well, it would be a couple of days until they were released, Wutai would not be quick to trust one who had already betrayed before.

The data she had taken from the Shinra computers and the bio-samples stolen from the lab were already being poured over by the scientists.

As for the ninja that had accompanied them, she had no doubt that they were making their own reports right now, and that more of their brethren were watching both her and those in the infirmary.

There was, at the moment, nothing she could do but wait, wait and plan. Allowing her awareness of the room to fade, Meryl began to mentally sort through the various arguments that could be used against her and Cloud staying. She knew their would be no religious reasons, if anything Lord Godo seemed eager to use those from the continents in order to advance his people. There would also be no arguments that she wasn’t all she was cracked up to be-considering that it was all her work that lead to Ifalna’s discovery, no one would be able to say that she wasn’t qualified.

She had briefly thought of using Ifalna and Aeris as a reason for them to stay, but had decided against it. It was after all the Wutai records that had given up the most information about the ancients, and as such they of all people would treat them right.

The door opening behind her interrupted her thoughts. Standing to face the door she gave a simple bow when she saw who it was, “Lord Godo, Thank you for all of your help.”

“Considering what you offered to bring, how could I not?” He replied, walking around the desk to settle into his chair, waving for her to do the same.

“Now, according to my scientists the data you brought matches up with what we’ve been able to collect so far. They assure me they will have completed their survey within a couple of weeks. I have spoken with my ninja about your aiding them into the lab, my thanks for that; you saved them a great deal of risk.”

“I have also reviewed your plan for creating enhanced here in Wutai. I must say that compared to the Shinra’s method yours would have more short and long-term benefits, despite how long it would take for those plans to come to fruition.”

“However there is one major problem that prevents me from implementing it.”

“And that would be?”

“Proof. Before I can sanction this, I must have proof it works.”

“But Lord Godo, the theory is sound!” She pointed out, leaning forward a bit in her chair. “It is simply a watered down version of what was done to Sephiroth.”

“I am aware of that, however, before I can risk the life of one Wutaian child, I must have proof it works!”

Suppressing a flinch Meryl dropped her eyes to the desk top. She had known this might happen, and though the thought made her heart ache to do it, she knew now it was the only way. Her only hope now was that Cloud would be able to forgive this someday. Her original plan had been to let him choose, but now she had to take that choice away from him.

“Very well, give me two months, and I will have your proof.” She stated, looking him straight in the eye.

“Oh? And what might that be?”

“Lord Godo, if I did not believe that this would work, would I do it to my own son?”

10 - Plans Interrupted

Specimens I and A were discovered missing during the morning feeding. Upon checking the Security System it was discovered that the entire program had been erased. The Lab Manager followed protocol and had the Main System shut down and switched over to the backup to preserve any evidence, had the facility put on lockdown, and a specimen count initiated. After these were completed he notified Midgar about their situation and requested instructions.

Hojo couldn’t help but curse the fools he was surrounded by, just because it was the wee hours of the morning and there was nothing going on was no reason to not have someone in the security room!

According to the video footage recovered Dr. Meryl Strife was responsible for the escape. She used what has been confirmed to be a copy of Professor Hojo’s Keycard. We have also identified at least four individuals that aided her that we suspect of being Wutaian.

Interviews with the local townsfolk have confirmed that Dr. Strife and her son, Cloud Strife were discovered missing on the same morning. A search of their home revealed that many of their personal items were missing.

Based on these facts we believe it is safe to assume that Dr. Strife has defected to Wutai. It is estimated that by the time of this reports publication, that the group will have already reached the Royal Pagoda.

Letting the report fall to the desk, Hojo clamped his hands onto the arms of his chair; He had the distinct urge to throw something.

First Sephiroth, his prize specimen, he had just finished getting everything set up as needed. Instead, not only had Sephiroth been removed from the lab early but had been given a completely different task! Hojo had no way to keep tabs on him now beyond what the president allowed him to know. Oh, if he had been kept in one location, Hojo would have eventually found a way, that was unquestionable. But the reality was Sephiroth being bounced from place to place, like some deranged rubber ball to deal with the current crisis.

And now, adding insult to injury, his secondary specimens had also been taken. The two were the only viable Cetra specimens known, and just as with Sephiroth, they were gone. Didn’t these simpletons realize that in order to do his research he needed test subjects? Didn’t they know how important his work was? Fools! All of them fools!

His plans for Sephiroth had been both singular but complicated. First: raise him properly. To be calm, analytical, and basing his judgment on facts, not random emotions. Second: with his education complete, send him through some final test, to see how well he performed outside the lab. For this Shinra’s plans to conquer Wutai had dovetailed nicely with his own, allowing him to see what Sephiroth could do without constant instruction. And third: once he returned from Wutai, keep the boy busy and wait, wait until Jenova’s full awakening. And them he would send Sephiroth to her, and the Reunion, the ascension of Gaea’s new god would finally bring order to the chaos that was humanity.

As for the Cetra specimens, his plans for them had been simple. They were to be his side project, something to keep him busy while Sephiroth was away. His only aim had been to unlock the secrets hidden in their blood, to discover how they managed to control the lifestream. A faint hope of his had been to gift Sephiroth with this ability, allowing him to rule both humanity and the planet itself.

Leaning back into his chair, Hojo forced his body to relax. All right, fine, all three of his main specimens where either gone or out of his control. He would simply have to alter his plans.

The two Cetra specimens were completely out of his grasp. The only thing he could do right now was to order another DNA scan for any other specimens that might exist, and to assign his latest batch of interns to read through the information gathered, perhaps one of them might spot what others had missed.

As for Sephiroth, his only option was to watch from a distance and collect what data he could. Until the current crisis was over or at least significantly lessened, his chances of getting him returned to the lab were nil.

Out of the corner of his eyes Hojo could see the filing cabinets containing various project files. Letting his mind drift over the various ways he could keep himself busy, it suddenly occurred to Hojo that he hadn’t reviewed Sephiroth’s file in what, at least four years?

Wait, no, now he remembered, it was right after the move to Midgar. The president had wanted a summary written up on the project thus far, so he had decided to do both at the same time.

Yes, that’s what he would do; review Sephiroth’s entire file, as well as starting research to improve the stimulus chair. That way when he finally got his hands on the boy would not only have new experiments and theories to try, but he might actually be able to get those Commands implanted properly.

‘Yes.’ Hojo thought ‘Its time to turn this setback into an advantage.’

11 - The Strength to Protect

The splash of yellow was surprising in the brown and green of the infirmary, surprising enough to make Meryl pause at the threshold of Cloud’s room. Scattered all over his bed was Cloud’s chocobo feather collection. Mostly yellows with a handful each of red, blue, green, and white, with a single black taking place of pride.

While Meryl herself didn’t understand her son’s fascination with the birds, she supposed there were worse things he could be interested in. And the birds did seem nice enough as a whole, unless of course you made the mistake of ticking one off!

Shaking her head to refocus her thoughts, Meryl closed the door behind her. She couldn’t let her mind wander now, no matter the consequences, she had to do this.

“Hey sweetie, how are you doing?”

“Mom!” the joy on his face and his outstretched arms were a request she couldn’t deny. Scooping Cloud up she held him as close as she could. Sitting onto his bed, she let him cling, she could feel him shaking as he tucked his head under her chin.

“I missed you.” He whispered into her neck.

“I know sweetie, and I’m really sorry. I know I’ve ignored you a lot these past few weeks, especially on the boat when you were so sick. I’m so sorry and I promise I’ll do better. Okay?”

“Okay.” She could barely hear his reply, but that was fine, she would be making up all that lost time anyway. She just kept holding him, rubbing his back, waiting for him to get it all out of his system. And after several minutes Cloud finally stopped clinging and resettled himself to cuddle on her lap.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Meryl told him. Told him about the Shinra and how they were killing the planet by taking away its blood, the mako. How they would come to Wuati-not anytime soon, she reassured him, but eventually they would come. She told him about the preparations Lord Godo was making and how she was helping. She told him how they were going to create warriors, stronger than any ever known, as strong as the Einherjar the grannies and elders had told stories of around the winter fires.

And then she told him how she could do the same for him, it wouldn’t be much at first, but eventually he would grow to be one of the strongest. How he would be strong enough to protect Wutai, strong enough to beat back the Shinra, and to one day free their real home, Nibelheim, from the Shinra’s control. How he would have the strength to protect all that he loved and cared for.

“You mean I can help Aeris? So that the Shinra won’t hurt her again?” the question made Meryl pause, she hadn’t realized the two had grown so close. But if it would help…
“Yes sweetie, you’ll be strong enough to help Aeris.” She could see in his eyes the thoughts racing through his mind, but she wasn’t worried, she already knew what his answer would be.




After all, who better than ones own mother to get the desired answer from them?

12 - Cloud in the Tank

Certain shades of green and yellow clashed horribly, Meryl decided, watching Cloud float in the tank. Smiling at her own ridiculous sense of humor, she dropped her eyes to the tank monitor as the hour was chimed.

Temp: 100.6° F. A little high, but normal considering the changes going on within him.

Pulse: 85 beats per minute. Again high, but for the same reasons.

Respiration: 18 breaths per minute. Nice and even.

Blood Pressure: 90/60. It had dipped a bit, but was now stable.

Eye Movement and Brainwave Activity both indicative of REM sleep.

Due to mako’s nature a person could be suspended in the fluid for days, weeks, perhaps years, without any outside help beyond refreshing the mix. Filling the lungs it provided oxygen, surrounding the body is gave up nutrients. But while versatile it couldn’t process the human wastes that eventually accumulated, and as such a tube was undergoing a constant exchange.

Leaning further back in her chair, Meryl cracked her neck. She would have to go to bed soon, tomorrow would be the start of the testing phase for the garrison currently assigned to the Royal Pagoda. Those who passed the tests would be given the opportunity to become enhanced, they could refuse if they wanted, but she knew most would accept.

Hojo’s process was as short as possible without creating a failure rate higher than 50%. Three injections, the first two to shut down the immune system, the last a mako, Jenova, and nutrient mix to jumpstart the process, followed by one to three weeks in a tank, depending on the strength you wanted.

Her version took at least twice as long, sometimes longer, but her success rate was 95%. More testing, more shots, diluted mako, already hybridized Jenova cells, and longer acclimation time, all made for a longer, but safer process.

Sitting up she glanced at Cloud’s monitor one last time before heading for the door, she didn’t want to leave him, but she would have to be fully awake to deal with tomorrow, and if anything did go wrong, sleep was her best ally.

The process for a child was mostly similar. However for the first process the amounts of mako and Jenova were reduced to a tenth of the adult version, and with each successive process the amounts were increased by 20%. With regular repeats of the process occurring every eight months to two years, someone who started as a child could easily become stronger than an adult who had gone through either’s version as many times.

There was one major drawback to the child process. Thanks to an ever changing body, they not only had to be retested each time they went through again, but 78% of the time the results would read negative. In other words, they couldn’t go through again without serious risk.

Some might be disappointed by those results, but not Meryl, she couldn’t be more thrilled.

Hojo was a brilliant scientist, no doubt, but his one flaw was that he always thought in terms of this generation. Whereas Meryl was perfectly fine with the idea that her plans might not bear fruit until well after her death.

Even if a child only underwent a single process, they would still be enhanced by about 7-15%. And while there might be some degradation, once puberty hit not only would the enhancement become permanent, but would be passed on to the next generation.

Pausing at the door leaving the lab, she couldn’t help one last look back at her son before she left.

And if Wutai did lose the upcoming battle with Shinra? Well, to be honest this battle didn’t really matter; in the long run they would ultimately win the war.

Meryl could afford to be patient, today or tomorrow, Shinra would fall.

And one way or another, her son would have a hand in it.

13 - Project Approval

Godo and Dr. Strife watched as the yellow delicately took the greens from her sons’ hands, and then ducked its head down for a good scratch. Godo couldn’t help but give into his bemusement at the similarity of the two, nor suppress his amused chuckle as the bird was soon reduced to a feathered ball of bliss.

“Lord Godo.” Dr. Strife said, holding out a sheaf of paper, taking the packet from her he quickly began to skim the information.

“As you can see, Cloud has improved by ten percent in each test area. A rate that will repeat every time he goes through.” The doctor began. “Individually it might not seem like much, but as the years pass, his potential by the time he reaches 16 is estimated at four times the abilities of the strongest adults we are producing right now.”

Looking back up at the boy, Godo gave a nod of agreement. Ten percent on its own didn’t mean much, but multiple ten percents combined could have a much greater impact. And the estimated future strength was nothing to ignore, especially with the strength estimates for the adults.

And yet, he couldn’t help but wonder; using her own son showed how much trust she had in the procedure, but at the same time he could not help but question a parent who would put their child though this.

He knew form reports given to him by both his ninja and the staff who worked with her that Dr. Strife wasn’t a negligent mother. If anything she had hovered almost constantly while her son was in the tank, only leaving to sleep or oversee the Adult Process.

If he took a moment to listen, he knew he would be able to hear the first group of enhanced fighters drilling. While it had taken them some time to get a handle on their new strength, they had eventually started to regain their former levels of control.

Godo scanned the papers in his hands once more. The positive side of the Child Process was not only fighters stronger than the adults, but the fact that they would pass on those enhancements to the next generations. The negative side was that each time a child was up to go through again there was a 78% chance of incompatibility. There was also the simple fact that it would take time for these children to grow up and be trained. Those two facts meant that thousands of children would have to be submitted in order to get the numbers Wutai would need, and that they would have to continue to delay the war by at least ten years.

Ten years.

Godo wasn’t able to keep himself from thinking about those plans that he had been forced to abandon due to time constraints. But if he could put off the war by ten years then he could easily have those plans implemented and finished before things got started.

Pro and Con. The results if they succeeded. The results if they failed. An invisible scale was tipping back and forth in Godo’s mind, a mental tug-o-war that had everything at stake.

His original plan had been to delay things by two to three years, giving Wutai time to prepare. But if they could delay the war by ten years, then not only could the preparations be completed, but perhaps they could also lay the foundations for taking the fight to Midgar.

The tug-o-war ended, Godo turned to the woman beside him.

“Dr. Strife, I officially authorize the Child Enhancement Process for use on Wutai’s children. I request that you begin testing immediately on all known candidates.”

wutaiverse, ff7, hojo, aeris, godo, cloud, fanfiction, meryl/mommastrife, sephiroth, 1982

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