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Comments 18

catteo October 2 2011, 07:04:24 UTC
I was SO excited to see this when I checked my flist and I am not being disappointed so far. I adore how torn Elena is in this. The fact that you got Kat's 'It's ok to love them both' line in there early is so great, because Elena does. Even if she doesn't really want to admit it to herself.

Also, motel spooning is underhand and naughty of you. And I LOVE it. And now I need to go and devour the rest of this, because what is UP with Damon?!

Bonus win points for how descriptive this is also - you really make the environment come to life around them with the little details you add. This is just SO GOOD. Now, off to read the rest (also, I fear this is not long enough for me. Next time aim for at least 20,000. OK?!)


waltzmatildah October 2 2011, 08:15:51 UTC
Oooh! YAY! Thank you so much for reading. This was never really meant to have Kat in it at all because it was a deal with another BB author that I'd write her D/E and she'd write me D/K!


I hope you enjoy the rest of this as much as you liked part one! Also, 20k? I'll keep that in mind! (Maybe I should have made a 4500 word epilogue?!)


catteo October 3 2011, 06:46:20 UTC
I don't actually think it's possible to keep Kat out of a fic that she wants to get into. And a 4500 word epilogue would have been just fine! Now I'm off to look for the D/K one


waltzmatildah October 3 2011, 06:50:26 UTC
Um, sorry to disappoint you but, I'm pretty sure she pulled out :(

Also, only one fic has even been released by the mod so far (the Tyler/Caroline/Stefan one by crickets). Mine has been in the moderation queue for 25 hours which is FRUSTRATING! So there are no more to read just yet...

And you're totally right about Katherine getting her foot in everywhere. I mean, the last episode was proof positive of that! She wasn't only in Chicago right NOW, she was ALSO in Chicago in the 20s. OF COURSE SHE WAS!


swirlsofblue October 2 2011, 08:00:09 UTC
This is so incredibly beautifully written, and I can't wait to read the rest of it, but alas real life calls. :)


waltzmatildah October 2 2011, 08:16:31 UTC
Thank you! And I hope you like the next three parts when you get to read them!


brokenbell October 2 2011, 22:52:00 UTC
You are such a pro at using vivid imagery to bring a story to life. I want to quote all of the beautiful sentences that impressed me as I read, but that would require copying and pasting
the entire section! [But I am still going to quote a little, because I just can't help myself].

[Elena p]asses the time by staring at her own ragged reflection in the water-marked mirror above the sink. Runs a finger down the centre of her face and splits the distorted image into before and after.

Poor Elena. There are a couple of references in this section of Elena's feelings of being physically split. She seems torn both by the guilt caused by her feelings for the two brothers, and the confusion regarding the uniqueness of her identity because of Katherine.

I really like the way you show how Elena and Damon both avoid dwelling on their feelings of guilt by arguing or engaging in mindless repetition. They are each so stubborn and prideful in their own ways. And perhaps the most absurd thing about the hours that preceded the final compromise of ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 3 2011, 07:19:01 UTC
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so pleased that you're enjoying this!

And I love quotes. They are very validating, so QUOTE AWAY!

SPOILER: no one ends up with their arm in a woodchopper! Not in Fargo or anywhere else! Haha!!!!


crickets October 3 2011, 06:49:32 UTC
This is really lovely so far! I have to say your writing style is incredibly unique and really fun to read. I love your Bonnie voice. I am going to have to finish the rest of this later as it is way past my bedtime. I'll be back.


waltzmatildah October 3 2011, 06:53:29 UTC
Thank you! I wasn't sure how it would go for a long fic as I know it can be a bit exhausting to read but... the three betas pulled it into shape!! They were godsends, all of them!

I'm glad you liked Bonnie! She's not my fave on the show but I did enjoy being in her head when it came to her Damon feelings!

Good night!!


crickets October 3 2011, 13:22:01 UTC
Yeah I felt the same way about mine. I ended up splitting it into two, but not by choice. (LJ made me.) I couldnt decide on any natural (chapter or section) breaks, haha. I think I could have read this in one sitting except it was very late. In fact I'm off to start the next two parts now!

ETA: Okay, ADD. I totally came back here to comment to say that as someone who is very fond of Bonnie, you have really really written her well!


waltzmatildah October 4 2011, 06:12:48 UTC
I totally came back here to comment to say that as someone who is very fond of Bonnie, you have really really written her well! THANK YOU! This means a LOT to me...

Also, completely off topic... I've seen your name around somewhere else I think and I have a funny feeling that slybrunette might be the common denominator here. Yes?!


badboy_fangirl October 4 2011, 05:27:52 UTC
Seeing this filled out a bit more reminds me that I was very intrigued back when I got the preview! Man, it has been a summer, hasn't it. I do not remember the Coen Brothers bit, so either my memory is going, or I somehow blocked out the truest thing Damon Salvatore could ever say!

That anything produced by Joel and Ethan, Joel and Ethan, like he knows them both personally, and hell, she concedes silently, he probably does, is compulsory viewing.

I concur, Mr. Salvatore!

Poor Elena. It's difficult being between a rock and hard place. I love them so much.


waltzmatildah October 4 2011, 05:46:45 UTC
In your defense, the version you got was 8000 words. This finished version is around 18000. And I can promise you the Coen brothers part (and the Fargo part as a whole) wasn't in the first (or second, or third!) draft of PART 1!

And that may have been a bit of self-projection on my part because I also think it's true!!!

Hope this lives up to your previous intrigue!!


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