Title: A Million Numbered Doors
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex, Amber, OFC (also Alex/OFC, Alex/Lucy, Meredith)
Rating: R
Warning: Graphic violence, rape, sex, drug use, language and serious amounts of angst
Word Count: 10370 (in two parts)
Disclaimer: At my user info. page. Title and cut text from
Truth, Alexander Ebert.
Part Two | Since this I've changed some, different kinda fighter... )
Comments 12
I came here because I wanted to find some great Alex fics since I was so disappointed by what they did to him in the season finale and I was so happy to find out you just finished 2 new fics (even Amber centered, which makes me reeeally happy).
Keep up the good work!
I was also disappointed in the finale. SO DISAPPOINTED :(
In fact, I was so disappointed, I've taken to putting Alex into The Vampire Diaries universe in order to console myself! Haha! Which is quite possibly even MORE disturbing than this fic!
As for Amber, I was so convinced that she'd be in the finale, I don't think I'm quite over the fact that she wasn't just yet!!
Thank you again!
(ps. I'm doing the Grey's Anatomy Big Bang challenge at the moment, and Amber is going to play a role in that too, so there will be more of her...)
I hate it that they did not bring in Amber in the finale and I hate the storyline they gave him instead even more. I mean, seriously? Breaking the Mere/Alex friendship? That's all they could come up with? She was pretty much the only character with whom he had a close connection and now he is all alone. And it seems as if he is now the most hated person in the whole hospital. Cristina told him and Owen told him too. I HATE that!
And I'm definitely going to read your other works, even though I do not even watch Vampire Diaries.
BTW I also was thrilled when I stumbled over your Alex pre-Grey's Anatomy fic, the one where he is taken away from his family. And I LOVED it. There are not too many Alex fics out there which are not love relationship centered, so I really appreciated it.
Do you happen to know any other good not-love-centered Alex fics?
and beautiful.
and also, the fact that the friendship is still there is enough for me to marry you. =)
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Thanks for suffering through it twice though!! Go you!! And especially in a language other than your own! I know Afrikaans, though I'm pretty sure NO ONE writes fanfic in Afrikaans! Haha! So I've never got the opportunity to test out my fic reading skills in that language. I'm willing to bet they'd be awful though!! (my skills, not the fics!!)
As for Amber, this is TOTALLY not how I want her to appear in the show either! That's the best thing about fic I think, it gives you free reign to do stuff you wouldn't want to happen in the actual show. I mean, I even killed Alex off once! WHAT?!!! I would NEVER want that to happen!
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