BID HERE FOR WENDYMRwendymrJanuary 16 2011, 21:54:31 UTC
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose/Jack, Ten/Rose/Jack, Ten/Jack; will also write characters including Jackie, Donna, Harriet Jones. In minor roles, I can write Mickey, Wilf or Martha. If necessary, I can do cameos of Classic Doctors and companions including Three, Four, Seven, Jo, Sarah Jane, Ace or Liz.
I can do gen, shippy, UST or hints of romance; smut only with the pairings indicated.
$1AUD = 100 words. I'll say no limit, but in the highly unlikely event that your bid would take it to 15,000+ then PM me, please, and we'll talk!
And I'll do a free drabble for the first bidder, as long as your bid is at least $10 :)
Re: BID HERE FOR WENDYMRkerravonsenJanuary 21 2011, 06:09:07 UTC
in the highly unlikely event that your bid would take it to 15,000+
Perhaps we considered it a challenge. Though I did not seriously believe that it would go higher than this, and yet, look below, it has. I have to drop out at this point, alas.
Re: BID HERE FOR WENDYMRwendymrJanuary 21 2011, 23:05:14 UTC
Oh, it's fine, don't worry - and, believe me, I REALLY appreciate your generosity! We may have to work out the prompt a bit, and a timeline - but to raise money for such a good cause I'm entirely at your service! :)
WINNING BIDwaltzmatildahJanuary 23 2011, 16:52:16 UTC
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Our charity auction has ended and you have been the highest bidder for WENDYMR.
Amount: $220.00
Please see HERE for donation options. Once you have made your donation, please email confirmation to and include both YOUR lj name and the AUTHOR'S lj name. If you won more than one author, you can donate for them all in one go, just be sure to detail all the authors when you send your confirmation through.
Also, don't forget to join fandomaid if you haven't already...
Pairings: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose/Jack, Ten/Rose/Jack, Ten/Jack; will also write characters including Jackie, Donna, Harriet Jones. In minor roles, I can write Mickey, Wilf or Martha. If necessary, I can do cameos of Classic Doctors and companions including Three, Four, Seven, Jo, Sarah Jane, Ace or Liz.
I can do gen, shippy, UST or hints of romance; smut only with the pairings indicated.
$1AUD = 100 words. I'll say no limit, but in the highly unlikely event that your bid would take it to 15,000+ then PM me, please, and we'll talk!
And I'll do a free drabble for the first bidder, as long as your bid is at least $10 :)
Perhaps we considered it a challenge.
Though I did not seriously believe that it would go higher than this, and yet, look below, it has.
I have to drop out at this point, alas.
Please no. I may not be able to resist going even higher.
Amount: $220.00
Please see HERE for donation options. Once you have made your donation, please email confirmation to and include both YOUR lj name and the AUTHOR'S lj name. If you won more than one author, you can donate for them all in one go, just be sure to detail all the authors when you send your confirmation through.
Also, don't forget to join fandomaid if you haven't already...
Thank you so much for bidding!!
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