fic: and you ruined me with the easiest touch...

Sep 29, 2010 22:45

Title: And you ruined me with the easiest touch...
Characters/Pairing: Alex, (with a very vague Alex/Lexie/Mark vibe that doesn't really last all that long...), also, briefly, Meredith, Teddy and Dr. Wyatt.
Word Count: 4700
Rating: R (implied violence)
Summary: A very unlikely series of events that undoubtedly didn't take place between the finale ( Read more... )

character: ga: mark, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: meredith, fic: one shot, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 24

llywela13 September 29 2010, 13:36:01 UTC
Thank you! If only the show were committed to actually exploring its characters with half this much depth, and if only the show could bring itself to tell a story in meaningful detail, consequences and all, instead of merely skimming over the surface of the major plot points...

Maybe if they culled the cast by about half, so that those that were left got more than two minutes airtime per week, it would be a start! Until then, we shall have to rely on fan writing like yours to keep us going. :)


waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 03:05:58 UTC
No problem! And yeah, I've long since given up on the writers caring anywhere NEAR as much as I do about Alex to dedicate much of an exploration to him... consequently, fic!

And a cast cull in so long overdue!

Thank you for reading!!! There will no doubt be more fic as the season progresses and I have to 'fix' more stuff!!


javiera September 29 2010, 15:31:49 UTC
Damn it. I used all my time reading this that I don't have time to comment properly because I'm at work and I shouldn't have read this in the first place XP

BUT! I had to, of course, I was waiting for someone to "fill in the blanks" the way I was doing it and while heart breaking and sad, how we can feel Alex feeling like crap and not getting better, not really... I kinda laughed at the idea of Mark, Lexie and Alex all living in the same apartment XD it redeems them, somewhat, even if Mark is doing it for Lexie and Lexie isn't really helping Alex feel better when she can't stop staring at him... and the end, it's so easy to *hear* Lexie saying his name, it would be SO NICE to have a scene like that because it works so damn well!

Ok, yeah, I have to go, but you did a great job, thank you for writing this! only two (more or less) days to go (I watch the thing one day later, so)!

Also, I'm listening to the song right now ;)


waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 03:09:56 UTC
Haha! Thank you for reading this at work and risking getting into trouble! I'm most flattered!!! (Also, I completely understand, because I do it too!).

I had M/L/A all living together because I figured that Mark was unlikely to let Alex out of his sight and, at that stage anyway, A/L were a package deal. And with M/D going through their shit, it kinda made sense... Alex couldn't go home alone, Mark was being protective of Lexie so, let's all move in together! PERFECT! Plus, I wanted there to be some explanation (besides the fact that he's an oblivious asshole!!!) to Mark's comment about Alex being great at running away and, to do that, I needed somewhere/something for Alex to run away from. Hope that makes sense!

THANK YOU! And have fun at work!


javiera September 30 2010, 15:57:08 UTC
I like the way you wrote Mark. It reminded me that, to add to all the reasons why Mark has a problem with Alex, there's also the fact that he almost let him die (well, in the extended deleted scene, but it counts anyway!) because he (Mark) wasn't good enough. Add that to the fact that Mark is not used to dealing with emergency cases and how they kind of bonded over bacon and sex, of course he's gonna have his "sentry-like" attitude and feel somehow blamed over something he doesn't want to feel guilty about when Alex leaves.

oh, the song is very awesome! I don't listen to them much, but it's times like this I'm reminded I should more often!


waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 23:50:10 UTC
Haha, I'm pretty sure I listen to it way more than is healthy!!! So, probably enough for BOTH of us! And a whole lot more people, too!


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waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 03:11:38 UTC
HEEE! Hi there!!!

For someone who never comments, you sure have the process down pat! This is awesome. THANK YOU!

Thanks for reading, thanks even more for commenting and I am SO GLAD that you liked this... I was so inspired by everyone in out little post ep. discussion during the week and I really wanted to provide something that I thought would resonate with you all...

Also, guess what? I am no longer dead! Rejoice!


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waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 23:47:08 UTC
Nope, definitely no Denny inspired hallucinations over here!!!



slybrunette September 30 2010, 00:33:45 UTC
I am reading this the fucking minute I'm done with mine. Hopefully my level of excitement for this makes me write faster ;)


waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 03:12:21 UTC

I can't wait to read what I already know is gonna be epic!


citron_presse September 30 2010, 00:42:51 UTC
I love how you unravel Alex. Your understanding of and skill with him is amazing beyond words. I loved the way Mark tried, and I thought you did a beautiful job depicting his actions and some of what might lie beneath them.

You really are good at making angst angsty but staying real. And your prose, as ever, is fantastic.

Gorgeous, painful stuff. And the last paragraph is just . . . guh, and so beautifully in character.

PS: I've only got one Alex icon, but I flatter myself it's a nice one :)


waltzmatildah September 30 2010, 03:19:22 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad the gradual unravelling of Alex was meaningful and real (and didn't just come across as angsty for angst sake). I really wanted to give some insight into WHY he might have behaved/reacted the way he did/the way he's going to...

I'm glad you appreciated my attempt at writing Mark! As I said to you earlier, I like fic Mark infinitely more than show Mark and so it wasn't too hard to paint him in a way that gave some kind of explanation to his reactions, too. I really wanted to provide something beyond Mark being an oblivious ass (hehe!!) as an explanation for his "run, it's what you're good at" comment... because I think if that had been coming from somewhere in Mark that was meaningful to him (as opposed to a mis-guided attempt to fight Lexie's battle for her) then I would have had so much less of a problem with it. But, to do that, I needed to give him something to run away FROM... hence the development of their relationship and the change in their living arrangements ( ... )


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