[nostalgia] grey's anatomy | "I need your grace to remind me to find my own..."

Apr 12, 2016 17:36

Okay, so. I've been watching. Steadily. Savouring the freaking journey that is Season Two of this stupid, STUPID show, with its FREAKING CHARACTERS that still have the most RIDICULOUS hold over me. And I just finished the finale...

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waltzmatildah: may actually be mad, character: ga: burke, character: ga: george, alex and izzie: deserve a tag, character: ga: alex, character: ga: cristina, character: ga: izzie, character: ga: meredith, waltzmatildah: rewaches greys anatomy, television: grey's anatomy

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Comments 18

swirlsofblue April 12 2016, 14:28:21 UTC
Gah. This.


waltzmatildah April 17 2016, 11:04:12 UTC

Gah, indeed.


scornedsaint April 13 2016, 00:47:14 UTC
It's funny, because I never watched Grey's Anatomy but I totally remember a lot of these gifs that were floating around LJ at the time (although they were probably screencaps. GOD, remember picspams?!) that I almost felt like I was watching the show.


waltzmatildah April 17 2016, 11:04:59 UTC
I have 'watched' so many shows entirely via gifs and picspams! I totally hear you...!


anigo April 13 2016, 20:24:16 UTC
I started watching from the beginning when I saw you did. (Such a copy cat!) and I'm halfway through season two. (Remember season 2? When seasons had more than 8 episodes?)

And I am totally falling in love with the whole thing all over again.

And your point, how did we make it by only watching week by week. I HAVE NO IDEA!?!? Because I'm gobbling up episodes without commercials by the armful.

Stupid show.


waltzmatildah April 17 2016, 11:06:09 UTC
You are the best kind of copy cat! Of all the things I do in my day, this is most definitely the thing you should copy!

OMG, I am so falling in love with it toooooo! Or remembering I've always been in love with it. SOMETHING LIKE THAT!

Stupid show.


mrsfjl66 April 15 2016, 06:45:17 UTC
Season 2. The glory days of literally crying throughout whole episodes and not even caring because I loved these characters enough to snot all over myself. I loved emo!Derek and his stupid hair, and Meredith's egocentric darkness (hello, me) balanced by her endless empathy. Cristina's brittle depth and joyless humor (I love her forever and ever and ever) And George's EVERYTHING. His face and the way he delivers pauses where there are are none and the way he says, "You're Dr. Bailey." And I wanted to hate Addison but never ever did because she was always, as you said, a person.

That Izzie and Alex moment hurts better than any other tv hurt I know. Except maybe the moment when she walks down the stairs.

And it's your freaking team! I love all those speeches so damn much. And did I mention Alex & Digby?

Season 3 is not nearly as awesome, JS


waltzmatildah April 17 2016, 11:08:21 UTC
I can not STAND emo!Derek! Haha!! I mean, I love him. BUT I CAN'T STAND HIM! Everything else you said though...

I have just started season three (I think I'm four episodes in... or maybe three). I just watched the one where Meredith gets appendicitis and is all high and chatty on morphine. And Izzie meets with Denny Snr. And Alex continues to GROW.

There is so much Izzie/Mere/George in these early seasons. SO MUCH. It's my favourite.


mrsfjl66 April 17 2016, 13:46:30 UTC
Oh no I agree, he, he's hateful. But for some reason, in Season 2, as I was living it, I loved emo!Derek. No good reason except that he and Addison and Meredith are pretty to look at as they pine (I was a pretty big shipper back in the early days). But he never really stops being sad/angry/self righteous as we move in to S3 and it gets old coming from Dr. Cheatsonhishotwifewhilebeingemotionallyunavailable ( ... )


waltzmatildah April 19 2016, 12:29:55 UTC
Derek drove me craaaaaazy during my season two re-watch. I wanted to punch him in the face, on average, about 5.9 times per episode. I mean, I love being that invested in a show, so it's all good, but yeesh. What an entitled, offensive brat! Which, funnily enough, is a description I can use to describe several of the surgeons I work with so... ya know! #accurate. Actually, ESPECIALLY THE NEUROSURGEONS!! I was only having a whinge to one of the nurses about one of our neurosurgeons today! Wow, we really went to town, that's how pent up our rage had become ( ... )


nereemac April 16 2016, 22:54:26 UTC

So, I felt it was about time that I told you how much I am enjoying watching you losing your shit over this show.

I also felt I should tell you that while out for a walk with my sister this evening, I ranted for about half a mile about how much I hated the dead-denny-sex storyline, and how it cheapened his death and practically destroyed my love for Izzie's character, and then I came here and you reminded me of how awful and wonderful his actual death was and...


(For the record, we got onto it because we were trying to decide who had a worse fictional father - Chuck Bass or the Winchesters. I don't watch Supernatural, and she didn't watch Gossip Girl, so it was a weird convo., but anyway, she mentioned that JDM is papa Winchester, so... Yeah. ranting ensued.)


waltzmatildah April 17 2016, 11:09:48 UTC

Yes, definitely about time!

ALL THE WAILING!!! I'm NOT looking forward to the Ghost!Sex thing, but am steaming towards it with an open mind. Or Something!


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