[yuletide] yumadrin | I'll be the Wind

Jan 02, 2014 15:44

Title | I'll be the Wind
Fandom | Orphan Black
Characters | Beth (and Sarah)
Rating | MA
Word Count | 100
Warning | Suicide
Author's Note | Written as a 2013 yuletide (yumadrin) drabble for lilacsigil

The girl is a mirror... )

fic: yuletide, fic: drabble, television: orphan black, character: ob: beth, character: ob: sarah

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Comments 11

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waltzmatildah January 2 2014, 04:53:54 UTC

And I love that you take us into Beth's POV, For all that I love Allison and Sarah in particular on the show itself, for me, fic is ALLLLLL about Beth. I WANT TO READ AND WRITE ALLLLL OF IT! So I am super glad that you enjoyed this little foray!

And of course the last thing she sees is another clone, just...gah. I KNOWWWWWW! I mean, she's committed to ending her life right up to having removed her shoes and dumped her handbag and then, BAM. Sarah's in her face. I don't doubt that she'd have done it anyway but... yikes. I REALLY REALLY REAAAALLLLLLYYYYY want to sift through the contents of that poor girl's brain SO BADLY, OMG.

And now that my reply is longer than my fic, I'm going to finish with a more coherent, Thank you very much!!


hanorganaas January 2 2014, 05:21:18 UTC
Oh Beth =( this was a lovely fic, great job.


waltzmatildah January 2 2014, 08:47:55 UTC
Oh Beth indeeeeed!!

Thank you for reading and commenting! I'm glad you liked this.


swirlsofblue January 2 2014, 18:36:01 UTC
This is so incredibly gorgeous. The sorrow is so palpable, I can picture Beth thinking these thoughts.


waltzmatildah January 3 2014, 04:11:39 UTC
Thank you!! I am so glad this worked out so well because, well, Beth!!


catteo January 2 2014, 22:34:07 UTC
And so this is your intro to a full-on bajillion word fic ALL ABOUT BETH. Right? RIGHT?!

I love the last line too and the inevitability of it all.


waltzmatildah January 3 2014, 04:12:44 UTC
I don't knowwww, man! I think it would be HARRRRD!!! That's why I love the 100 word limit. There's a certain degree of 'safety' in that! I mean, it's kinda hard to screw it up too much!

I mean, I WANT TO! But, I'm a scaredy cat.


venusinthenight January 3 2014, 04:30:55 UTC
OMG that is so powerful. OH MY GOD.

*mems like a mofo*


waltzmatildah January 3 2014, 04:34:42 UTC


I love this character SFM, so it's awesome to get such a positive respose to this. THANK YOUUUUUU!!


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