It's About Time to Fly Away (Dean/Cas PG)

Jan 07, 2013 17:41

Summary: Dean grooms Cas's wings after reuniting with him in Purgatory.

Written for deancas-xmas, for Zutara Believer, who said, "Anything goes!"

Title from the song It's About Time by Barcelona.


Let me see. )

dean, fanfiction, castiel, fic exchange

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Comments 13

princessaudrii January 8 2013, 13:49:35 UTC
You know me and I don't usually comment... but I really loved your description of Cas' wings and how they seem to change with his mood.


wallmakerrelict January 8 2013, 17:53:45 UTC
Yeee! Thank you. I've seen Cas's wings described so many different ways and I felt like combining them all. :)


lifefiction January 8 2013, 21:09:47 UTC
I loved everything about this, great job!


wallmakerrelict January 8 2013, 22:50:52 UTC
Thank you! :3


(The comment has been removed)

wallmakerrelict January 9 2013, 02:06:42 UTC
Oops, you discovered our secret plot to rule the world with wing!fic. :D


anonymous January 9 2013, 22:02:44 UTC
Redwings are my favorite bird ever, I can see Cas having a mood where they're the primary wing! And Dean's "how about you shut the fuck up" instead of talking is just very IC (although that's changing!).

Thank you.


wallmakerrelict January 10 2013, 05:33:33 UTC
Thank you! It was fun using all my favorite birds as inspiration for Cas's wings. And on the subject of Dean's communication skills: this was written before 8x08 and you have NO IDEA how proud I was of his emotionally constipated ass for "Talk to me."


ganeshalemming January 14 2013, 18:00:56 UTC
Love it! Damn, wings are inspirational, aren't they? And this was so Dean.


wallmakerrelict January 14 2013, 20:13:16 UTC
Oh, yes! I love wings! Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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