
Feb 19, 2007 18:56


Title: Prank
Author: arora_kayd
Beta: point_earedpain
Fandom: FFVII+Warchild
Disclaimer: Owned by Squeenix and Karin Lowachee.
Summary: It's almost time for the Senior class to graduate. Senior Prank time!
Warnings: Um...none.

“How would you even get a cow in space?”

“Fine. How ‘bout something smaller? Like sheep.”

“Sheep are good. Settled. You get the sheep, and I’ll get the glue and the paint.”

“Why do I have to get the sheep?”

“You’re the dirtsider.”

“Yeah, yeah. Pushy spacemonkey. Probably wouldn’t know a sheep if it bit him on the ass.” Cid mumbled the last part mostly to himself. As he went out the hatch he added, “Meet you at mess next blueshift.”


The coming of blueshift had Cid perched near the end of one of the tables by the main hatch, using a chair as a footrest and polishing his boots. Cairo sat at the head of the table with a slate. To those who didn’t know them, they would seem like two regular, innocent, cadets. They had managed to get their preparations done quickly and had finished setting up in the brief time the mess had been completely empty. They made a good team.

Now they just sat, watching for people to notice. They didn’t have to wait long. Roy Ambers, a junior a few years younger than Cid and Cairo, entered and glanced around the room. He stopped in his tracks and looked slowly upwards.

“Holy shit! What is that on the ceiling?”

Cid quickly stifled a small smile and looked up from his work. "I see nothing. Maybe you need to go see a medic or somethin'."

“There’s a fluffy bit of ceiling. With legs. You can see it blinking,” Roy said, voice getting louder and slightly higher as he went on. Cid simply continued the incredulous stare he had adopted. “It just baa’d!” He turned to Azarcon to see if he would be any help, and was disappointed by the look on Cairo’s face.

“I didn’t hear anything, Ambers. Highwind’s right. You should get to med.”

“Why did you guys paint a sheep and stick it on the ceiling?”

“Us? We didn’t do nothin’ of the sort. You really should see a doc.” Cid hopped off the table and slung an arm around Roy’s shoulders. “I’m real worried about you. I think finals might have eaten your brains.” Ambers shrugged off his arm.

“If anyone has brain damage, it’s you two.”

Highwind laughed. “And to think, they’ll be putting us behind the controls of multi-million dollar hunter-killers.”

“Truly disturbing.”

“Indeed it is, Az. But that is for the govvies to worry about. For now, we should be concerned with out fellow comrade in arms.”

“Right. I would be more worried about that thing falling off and crushing one of you. Thought it would be a service to military, I’m sure.”


“Eh, the brig isn’t so bad. Don’t know what people are always complaining about. It’s not like it’s even our fault. Staff Sergent just has bad timing. Not like we could predict when and if it would happen.”

“I just can’t believe Ambers was right.”

“Don’t give him too much credit. Sheep didn’t fall on either of us.”

“Very true.”

"I kinda feel bad, though. That sheep is gonna be traumatized for life."

ffvii, fic, azarcon, crossover, cid, warchild

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