The Accidental (Time Lord) Tourist(s) - rp for rude_not_ginger

Jul 30, 2009 19:19

Donna Noble had been a Time Lord (Time Lady, she figured, was probably the proper term, or if it wasn't, it was certainly the one she preferred) for two weeks, five days, sixteen hours, and eighteen minutes, and she wanted to go on holiday. Not that it hadn't been an exciting time, because, well, it'd been positively thrilling. Definitely better ( Read more... )

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rude_not_ginger August 1 2009, 03:16:57 UTC
The Doctor was livid.

He couldn't decide which was more upsetting. The fact that Donna had decided to steer the TARDIS off to a strange planet and swan off without so much as a by-your-leave, the fact that there was now about a foot of water in the console room from her landing, or the fact that there was not, in fact, a room of bananas in the TARDIS as she'd said.

It simply wasn't fair.

Though, the Doctor had to admit the water inside the TARDIS was quite warm and, as he switched into a pair of flip-flops and a big beach hat, he could also use a holiday.

Things weren't...well, the same. Not since Donna became a Time Lord. Not since...well, not since.

He threw on a pair of sunglasses and headed out to find his companion.


walkingthedust August 1 2009, 22:24:59 UTC
Donna was sipping a margarita on the beach - she wasn't sure what sort of fruit it had been made from, nor was she sure she wanted to ask - and reading a paperback she'd picked up from the TARDIS library. Somehow, she didn't think that the timeless love story about a pair of scyphozoans translated well into English; she probably should've gone with Twilight after all.

She felt the Doctor coming long before she saw him, with one of those weird new senses she had. She could've found him anywhere, and she wasn't terribly certain she liked that.

She also didn't like his dress sense. Donna barely looked at him over the top of her book before speaking.

"You look daft," she pointed out. "Especially with that hat." And the fact that he'd waded to the beach with his suit on, so now his trousers were damp, and, really did the man not grasp the concept of wearing different outfits? "Here." She offered him the sunblock; if there was one thing Donna knew about, it was not setting foot outside without SPF 500. "Put this on your nose, at least, ( ... )


rude_not_ginger August 3 2009, 03:00:17 UTC
He could feel Donna before he saw her on the beach. It was a strange, disconcerting feeling. When he was younger, sensing another Time Lord was a cue to run. Now, it felt like he'd been given something he was missing. Someone who was like him.

The Doctor caught the sunblock and dabbed a little onto his nose.

"This is just for your benefit. Time Lords don't sunburn, I'll have you know," he said. He handed it back and curled up the end of his hat. "And I like this hat. Haven't worn it since my sixth incarnation and I can't for the life of me figure out why. It's brilliant!"

He dropped next to her on the sand. "The TARDIS is flooded."


walkingthedust August 3 2009, 13:19:13 UTC
Donna sniffed. "Yeah, well, it might keep you from getting a few more freckles, too." She didn't care if Time Lords didn't burn; she would probably end up being the exception to the rule if she left the sunblock off. She was certainly the exception to every other rule, or so it seemed.

"So what you're saying is that all your incarnations had absolutely no fashion sense, then?" Because that was a seriously goofy looking hat. She idly wondered if he'd end up with hat head, or if his hair would manage to defy that the same way it managed to defy most laws of physics. (With her extra Time Lord knowledge, she was pretty sure that his hair existed in dimensions not previously known to man.)

She managed to look a little sheepish - just a little, because sheepishness didn't suit her. "Sorry. I could've sworn I got the landing right, but, well. Maybe you'll develop a nice coral ecosystem in the console room. It could practically be a nature preserve!" Donna offered him a drink of her margarita.


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