Hollow (Chapter 6)

Aug 19, 2014 10:13

Title: Hollow
Pairings: Ian/Anthony -- One sided, Anthony/Kalel
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13; Angst, Language, Slash
Summary: Anthony is getting married and he couldn't be happier. That is, until he discovers the downward spiral that Ian is going down. Ianthony.
Author's Notes: None right now. But hi! :)
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

At the speed that he was driving to the rehab center, Anthony was surprised that he hadn’t been awarded a ticket for breaking a thousand traffic laws. He couldn’t be bothered with that fact, though. Ian was his number one priority.

He ran to the rehab’s front desk, breathless. He had literally ran from his car, through the parking lot, and to the building in less than a minute.

“I-Ian Hecox, please.”

The small woman from behind the counter looked up from tapping on her computer. “Sign in.” She pointed at the clipboard in front of him.

Anthony sighed, reaching down and grabbing the pen. He wrote so fast that he doubted any of it was legible. “Done!” he slapped the pen down.

“You a friend? A family member?” she asked, pressing her thick, black-framed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

He nodded. “A friend.”

“You realize that visiting hours will be over in ten minutes, right?” she asked.

“I-I don’t care,” Anthony choked, “I need to see him right now.”

She began to click around on her computer. “He’s in room 205, but realize, sir, that he overdosed. There will be attendants outside of his

He shrugged. “I don’t care.”

With that, he ran off, heading to room 205. Breathless again, he pushed the door open.

His first impression of the small room was that it was incredibly bland. White walls, white bedsheets, white curtains, white floors. The only sign
of life was the man curled up in the bed, facing in the wall so that his back was to Anthony. He could see that his dark chocolate hair was disheveled and he had the urge to walk over and fix it.

Frowning at the thought, he walked over to Ian’s bed. He tapped his shoulder and whispered, “Ian?”

The other man didn’t move a muscle, much to Anthony’s dismay. He reached over, grasping Ian’s shoulder and shaking him gently. “Ian, it’s me!
It’s Anthony!”

Ian stiffened under Anthony’s grip and moved away from him. Anthony was shocked, needless to say. Ian had never done anything like this before.

“Can’t you talk?” he asked.

Ian remained still, eyes shut and body stiff as a board.

Anthony sighed. “You’re not gonna tell me why you’re in here?”

He wasn’t given a reply.

Anthony ran a hand through his hair, eyes darting across the room nervously. “Or even say hi to me, Ian? Really?”

Ian didn’t say a word.

“Melanie...She told me that you overdosed. Ian, you tried to kill yourself! Why would you do that?” His voice broke and Anthony felt tears begin
to prick to his eyes.

At this, Ian tensed up, biting his lip. Anthony couldn’t see it, but his comments were really getting to Ian. He wanted more than anything to
turn around and spill his guts to his best friend or to wrap him into his arms and never let go. The worst part was that Ian knew that he couldn’t do either one.

Anthony took a deep breath. “Why, Ian? Do you...,” he trailed off, swallowing, “do you know what I would do if you died? You’re one of the
most important people in the world to me and...,”  Anthony stopped, unable to finish as he began to choke up.

As a few tears fell from Anthony’s eyes, he heard a slight knock on the other side of the door. He knew that this signaled the fact that it was time for him to leave. He blinked away his tears and bit his lip, patting Ian on the shoulder. As he had before, Ian tensed up at Anthony’s touch.

Anthony sighed, straightening up. “I’ll be back, Ian. I won’t stop coming back until I know you’re okay.”

Ian’s eyes stayed shut and so did his mouth, though he wanted desperately to speak to his best friend.

Anthony took one more look at Ian before turning around. With that, he walked out of the door, his heart breaking with every step.

ian hecox, angst, fanfic: hollow, one-sided, slash, ianthony, anthony padilla, ianthony-love

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