DEPLOYMENT 5: Like a Ship in a Milk Bottle

Aug 29, 2011 20:00

[After having to endure a week of either suffering from drinking a bottle of milk each day, or watching Caesar sacrifice himself for the good of the household, Balin is now much more determined to give the Milkman some payback. Too bad he still didn't have everything he'll need for that plan.]

[So-after waiting a week to make sure that the Milkman ( Read more... )

pretty shiny explosive things, ^shana, ^calleo a. crowe, ^red mage statscowski, could have been a raven in a past life, *phone, *1247 williams road, *1765 beaver street, @mayfield, ^virginia maxwell, ^gilgamesh, ^touko aozaki, *1128 taylor road, *action, ^garviel loken, ^elizabeth, dammit jim! i'm a demo not a gun runner!

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Comments 276

B elevatoravatar August 30 2011, 01:02:49 UTC
[There is some rustling from the bushes to the side and Liz pokes her head out]



walking_nuke August 30 2011, 01:08:02 UTC
[Huh, that sounds like Liz, but she's not in the house? Balin turns around and ... looks a bit surprised to see her sticking out of the bushes like that.]

-Oh hey. You're'a dame that needed'ose guns, right? Elizabeth?


elevatoravatar August 30 2011, 01:09:46 UTC
"Well... I myself do not need them, I am merely a conduit for need, but I am Elizabeth."


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 01:11:57 UTC
Well, either way-

[He lifts the duffel bag some, gesturing to it with his free hand.]

Got 'em here for ya. Sorry 'bout'a wait, I had'a hole up while we were goin' through'a bullshit'a Milkman pulled on us. That an'a one guy I know who supplies guns let himself get killdroned all'at week.

[He grimaces some at that.]


A kinpika August 30 2011, 01:28:30 UTC
[How do you feel about Gil happily waving at Balin as he walks by? Because that's exactly what's happening.]


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 01:36:35 UTC
[Let's find out! Balin returns Gilgamesh's wave, though he's looking warier than usual.]

Yo, Gilgamesh.

[Treating one of the world's earliest heroes as a kid in the neighborhood. This will never stop being weird.]


kinpika August 30 2011, 01:43:09 UTC
What are you doing today?


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 01:48:57 UTC
Gettin' some stuff done, now that'a Mikman's stopped fuckin' with us.

[He fidgets with the shotgun sling for a second, as it was chafing his shoulder.]

But I figured I oughta stay prepared just in case somebody gets turned into a murder machine again.

[And he grimaces after saying that.]


rapier_ex August 30 2011, 02:32:51 UTC
How about you let me take a look at it?


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 02:37:06 UTC
[SURPRISE VIRGINA FROM BEHIND! Gat looks over to Ginny.]

You sure? I mean-you know how'a fix up clothes?


rapier_ex August 30 2011, 02:41:16 UTC
Sure do. Who do you think modified this dress for the Wasteland?


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 02:46:20 UTC
[Aside from the large belts, it leads him to wonder what Virginia's dress might have looked like in the past. But if she can do that-]

Heh. Point taken.

[He hangs up the phone and picks up the shirt, holding it out for her to take. The large gash where one of her killdroned bullets ripped through the the upper back portion of it is visible.]


C animalhusbandry August 30 2011, 02:52:48 UTC
[And here's Red Mage at the door!]

Ah! Mr. Balin! Do come in! I have some of what you requested here. Regrettably, I couldn't find all of it.


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 02:58:37 UTC
Yo, Red Mage.

[He follows Red Mage inside as he listens to the man's findings. It's hard to gauge the look on Balin's face; he either looks pleasantly surprised that Red Mage was able to find some of the items on the list, or disappointed that he couldn't find all of it. Maybe just eager to see how Red Mage handled this.]

Yeah? Which ones were givin' ya trouble?


animalhusbandry August 30 2011, 03:05:34 UTC
[Red Mage leads him a little further into the house, into a side room where he's been piling this stuff up. In there is the following:

-several canisters of wood lacquer
-some nitrocellulose film reels from the movie theater
-fuel tablets from the sporting goods store
-toluene-based solvent from the hardware store
-a car battery
-a box of Arm & Hammer brand baking soda
-a spare tire and three basketballs

He also takes a few moments to shuffle some numbers around on his character sheet so he can properly comprehend and explain this again. Clearly his combat stats aren't too important at the moment, so he'll lower a few of those.]

I'm not quite sure where to find oleum, aqua fortis, dioctyl sebacate or dioctyl adipate. Also, it's possible to make our own sodium sulfate by way of a neutralization reaction with aqueous sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide, both of which shouldn't be too difficult to acquire. It's just more battery acid and lye, after all.


Whoops. XD; walking_nuke August 30 2011, 03:22:42 UTC
[When he finally sees the side room where Red Mage's been storing everything, Balin's jaw drops in pure fascination. Especially when Red Mage pulls out that stat sheet and goes back into his alchemy build before speaking. Half of that stuff here were things Balin himself mused as possible sources for the chemicals he'd need! Holy crap this guy can do it. He can really make it happen.]

Holy shi-

[Balin stops for a second to listen to the chemicals Red Mage was unable to find, and looks contemplative. Okay ... No oleum or aqua fortis, or sodium sulfate. That means TNT is out. Dioctyl adipate and sebacate ... well, he can probably think of something, or maybe Caesar knows someone who can make it. He only needs one or the other to make C4.]

... Wow. Okay, that you were even able to get this much-that is awesome, man.


flameyedhunter August 30 2011, 03:38:34 UTC
[ Shana is just sitting on a curb somewhere lazily eating. ]

Oh, it's you again. [ have a tsungreeting. ]


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 03:47:11 UTC
[Dem tsunderes and their greetings! He stops to talk after he recognizing Shana's voice from the last few times he's encountered her.]

Yo. Uh-yanno, I don't think I caught your name last time we talked.

[Or the first time for that matter!]


flameyedhunter August 30 2011, 03:52:03 UTC
I'm Hirai Yukari.

What's with all the guns?


walking_nuke August 30 2011, 03:59:35 UTC
[Hirai Yukari? Oh dear. He scratches a cheek in thought.]

Erm-which one's'a last name on'at one?

Well, with'a Milkman turnin' people into killer drones left an' right last week, I ain't gonna take my chances. Just in case somethig pops up again.

One of'a people in my house got brainwashed by'at asshole an' went postal on us. [He grimaces. The place where Virginia grazed his back with a bullet is still sore.] So I figure, I ain't gonna get caught with my pants down a second time.


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