Moments In Time: Exploding Hearts (part: 4/5)

Jan 31, 2011 17:21

Title: Moments In Time: Exploding Hearts (part: 4/5)
Author: walking_weapon and lilly915
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU. The third installment in our series. Callie and Arizona living in their happy bubble when a devastating strikes. How will they cope? What will this mean for their relationship?

AN: Finally some light at the end of the tunnel. No crying alert needed I don't think, just some emotional progress, some cuteness and a little sexiness. Enjoy.

As I walk up to the door of my brownstone I realize that I haven't been to my apartment in almost a month. I have enough of my clothes and stuff at Arizona's place now that I really only have to come by here occasionally to grab my mail and with Danny’s death and the roller-coaster Arizona’s life was in the aftermath of that coming to get my mail was pretty low on the priority list. Jackpot! I whisper to myself as I push open my door and am greeted by a small pile of mail sitting on the other side of my apartment door. I spend a few minutes sorting out the junk from my bills and medical journals, throwing all the good stuff into my workbag until I reach the bottom of the pile. There's just one envelope left, but other than my name scrawled across it it’s blank, no stamp, no postmark. Curiosity gets the best of me and I rip it open, pulling out a letter from what looks like a law firm.

Quickly skimming the letter it looks like my neighbor wants to purchase my apartment so that he can expand his and he's included a very generous offer. Reading it over a little more thoroughly I notice that I need to respond within 30 days, and seeing as the letter was dated 3 weeks ago I only have one week left to decide. The realization that this is a situation where I’d normally call my father and ask his advice hits me in the gut like a ton of bricks. It’s been 6 months since he walked away from me after he found out about my relationship with Arizona and I haven’t heard so much as a word from him or anyone else in my family. It hurts, deeply, but all I have to do is think of Arizona and how amazing my life is with her in it to know I made the right choice.

Speaking of Arizona, what am I going to do about this offer to buy my place? I mean I pretty much live at Arizona's, but what if she isn't ready for me to move in officially? I can't imagine ruining what has been the best relationship of my life by rushing things, but then again the other day she did joke about me having the most expensive storage space in Boston. I love spending my free time with Arizona, whether it’s out on the town for a date or just cuddled up on the couch, and I think…no I know, I’m ready to take the next step and move in with her.

Tucking the letter into my back pocket I decide to think it over for another day or two before bringing it up with Arizona. I’m hoping the extra time to think will let me come up with a way to bring it up casually and guage her reaction. Grabbing my stuff I head back out to the car quickly. I’m eager to finish my errands since I have a surprise in store for Arizona tomorrow night and I only have a few hours today to get what I need before she gets off work.

The next day at work I finally mange to catch up to her while she's charting at the nurse's station. It’s been almost two months since Danny's death, and although she still had some really bad days she’s also regained that spark that makes her so uniquely…Arizona. I really knew we had turned a corner a few weeks ago when she finally started wearing those stupid heelys again. I have never been so happy to see her wearing them and it was all I could do to force a stern look on my face the first time she 'rolled' up to me.

"Hey." I say with a smile, hoping I seem casual. I’ve always sucked at lying, but lying to Arizona is downright impossible.

"Hey." She replies, signing her name with a flourish before looking up at me.

"So you think you'll be done on time tonight?" I ask, my continued efforts at being casual obviously failing miserably as the corner of her mouth twitches as she fights back a smirk.

"Yeah I should be. Why?" She asks, slipping her hand into my lab coat pocket.

"Uh…because I made dinner reservations for 7." I tell her, smiling at the endearingly intimate and uniquely Arizona gesture of her hand in my pocket. She doesn’t like to get too affectionate at work, especially up here on Ped’s since there are all sorts of kids and parents with all sorts of backgrounds and beliefs wandering around, so putting her hand in my lab coat pocket has sort of become her middle ground in regards to PDA.

"Yay, where are we going?" She grins, her dimples popping full force.

"Morton's." I reply casually, trying to ignore the flash of pain I see cross her face. "Is that ok?" I ask hesitantly, nervous she might be upset about my choice.

"No, it's fine." She replies letting out a long sigh. "Morton's will be fine." She nods resolutely though she inches a bit closer to me.

"Ok awesome. I actually have to run by my apartment after work to grab something so is it ok if I meet you there?" I say, ignoring the roll of her eyes that she does her best to hide when I mention my apartment.

"That's fine, I’ll meet you at 7." She nods, smiling and placing a quick kiss on my cheek before rolling off down the hall.


I arrive at Morton’s at 7:05, checking to make sure Arizona is already been seated before I head over to the quiet booth in the corner that I arranged for us to have. I wanted some privacy for this in case Arizona doesn’t take it well or just gets too overwhelmed. As if she can tell I’m thinking about her Arizona glances up from the wine list and smiles when I approach. The smile quickly disappears, replaced by a shocked open-mouthed expression when I pull off the long trench coat I wore to cover my surprise.

"Calliope!" She whispers furiously as she takes in my outfit. I went all out, I’m wearing every piece of Patriots gear I could find at the local sporting goods store. We’re talking Patriots, socks, crocs, pants, sweatshirt, scarf, wristbands, and jewelry. "What the hell are you doing? This is Morton’s! You'll get us kicked out."

"Don't worry I paid off the maitre d’ so we’ll be fine. I also made sure they’d put us in this corner booth. I have a bet that needs to be paid off and I never back out of a bet." I explain, sliding into the booth across from her. I watch carefully as realization of exactly what bet I’m talking about dawns on her. When it does she bursts out laughing hysterically. Ok, not what I was expecting but it’s not crying so I’ll take it.

"So this is why you were so pissed when the Pats won last week, because they clinched the division and…"

"…the Dolphins were eliminated from the playoffs. Stupid Patriots." I mumble, still upset that my team missed the playoffs yet again. "Go on, laugh it up. You better enjoy it while you can because this is the last time you'll see me wearing any of this, it's all being donated tomorrow morning." I pout angrily, but in truth it feels so good to see her laughing like this.

"Oh, babe this is awesome. Thank you. Danny would have loved this." Arizona says softly once her laughter dies down, reaching out to take my hand in hers. I smile at the pure adoration shining in her eyes, thrilled beyond words that my gesture is being received so well. I was nervous she’d be upset or angry at me bringing Danny up like this, but she seems genuinely ok with it.

"Here you are ladies." The waiter announces, interrupting our moment as he appears at our table and places two glasses on the table. "Jameson's 20 year aged Irish Whiskey on the rocks." He says with a nod before leaving us in private once more.

"I know it's Danny's favorite drink.” I say by way of explanation when Arizona looks over at me in surprise. “And since we’re also at his favorite restaurant…" I pause holding up my drink and looking up briefly. "Danny this is for you, I hope we're even now." I say softly before taking a drink. When I look back at Arizona I’m relieved to see that she’s flashing me a huge dimple filled smile despite the moisture pooling in her eyes.

"To Danny." She replies, clinking our glasses together and then taking a sip of her own drink.

Dinner goes smoothly as we enjoy the delicious food, sip whiskey (though I stick to one glass since I’m driving us home) and share stories about our day, our childhoods, and everything in between. Arizona even opens up about her brother, telling me about all the crazy shenanigans they used to get into.

Somewhere between finishing our entrees and waiting for desert Arizona lets me know that she’s more than ready to get home and finish our night in private. Her barefoot pressing against my crotch under the table isn’t really a signal that can be misinterpreted. So after hurriedly settling the bill I usher Arizona out to my car before she makes me do something that could get me arrested. As it is she nearly makes me crash at least three times on the drive to her place and I’m amazed that I don’t get a speeding ticket.

When we finally make it inside her apartment I don't waste any time peeling off my clothes as soon as we step through the door, leaving them in a haphazard pile by the door. By the time I’m working on removing the hideous Patriot’s earrings Arizona is just as naked as I am and is pressed firmly against my back.

“Have I told you how much I love you lately?” She husks in my ear, biting down on the lobe.

“Uh…lately? N…no, I can’t say you have.” I reply breathily as her hands caress lightly up from my hips to my breasts. "Maybe you could show me?" I gasp out as she cups my breasts and squeeze slightly.

"I’d love too.” She whispers, biting down on my ear once more. With that she spins me around and pushes me back, making me gasp again as my back comes into contact with the cold door. I forget all about the door though as she quickly presses against me, the skin to skin contact from nearly head to toe sending my body into overdrive.

“Mmm…Ari…” I moan as she starts to kiss my neck, her tongue flicking that spot that makes my knees tremble every damn time.

“You’re…so…fucking…hot.” She mutters between kisses before planting one last searing kiss on my lips. The kiss leaves me breathless, and by the time I do have enough air to form words Arizona is slowly kissing her way down my body, stealing my breath all over again. She takes her time licking, kissing and nipping her way, making sure to spend some time teasing my nipples with her talented tongue. My pulse is racing and my breathing is ragged as she inches closer and closer to the one place I need her right now. I'm beginning to ache and I don't know how much longer I can take her tortuously slow progress no matter how amazing it feels.

“Baby…please…” I whimper, hoping that hearing me beg will spur her on to finish things.

“Patience Calliope. Don’t I always take care of you?” Arizona hums, nipping at my hipbone as she drops to her knees.

“Yeah. You do…” I moan deeply as Arizona’s lips finally close around my swollen clit. She sucks gently at first before dipping her tongue lower and teasing my opening. She teases for what feels like an eternity but is probably only a few seconds before pushing her tongue deeply into me, causing me to throw my head back. It hits the door with a loud thump, but if the impact hurts I don’t notice because Arizona is doing that thing with her tongue and it’s all I can do to stay upright. God I’m so close…

"More please." I gasp between moans, praying she understood my ragged words. Whether she heard me or not she must know just what I need because she quickly replaces her tongue with two fingers. My knees start to tremble even more I fight with everything I have not to crumple to the ground. Despite by best efforts to stay upright I lose the battle and my knees give out, sending me crashing down on Arizona. I’m mortified and move to get off her but she simply grips my neck with her free hand and pulls me into a heated kiss as her other hand doesn’t miss a beat thrusting between my legs.

Groaning into the kiss I shift and straddle her hand, sliding my whole body up and down pressing myself harder down onto her hand, forcing it deeper inside of me. I buck and writhe against her as we sloppily kiss, feeling the telltale tingling begin that signals I’m just about to come. Barely a minute later my orgasm hits me hard, all of my muscles tensing and spasming as I shudder above Arizona. Arizona’s hand keep moving, drawing every ounce of pleasure it can, before I finally collapse on top of her struggling to catch my breath.

After we both catch our breath, apparently Arizona came when I did which is really super hot, we pick ourselves off the floor and put on some pajamas. At least I do, Arizona announces she wants to wear the Patriots hoody I wore to dinner so after tossing on a pair of boxers she scampers back into the living room; naked from the waist up I might add. Grinning to myself I quickly toss on sweat pants and my favorite t-shirt of Arizona’s and follow her out into the living room.

I’m met with Arizona’s rather stony and distinctly less perky expression as she stands by my mess of clothes by the front door. I wince when I see that my bag was apparently knocked over at some point during our heated session of door sex and it’s contents are now strewn about the floor.

“Oh…crap. Sorry about that. I’ll clean it up right now.” I tell her knowing how she hates messes assuming that’s the reason for her change in mood.

“No I think we need to sit down and talk.” She says tightly, gesturing toward the couch.

“Ok…” I say uncertainly, feeling very confused and very nervous.

"Did you really have to go to your apartment again today or was that just an excuse to get me to the restaurant before you?" She asks after we sit down.

"Well I didn't want anyone at work to see me in that…stuff. So yeah I stopped by there to change." I answer warily.

"Just to change?" She asks staring at me like she knows something I don't.

"Um…Yes." I reply nervously, furrowing my brow as I try to figure out the reason behind this sudden inquisition.

"Oh I thought maybe you talked to someone while you were there." She says, cocking her head to the side a bit.

"No…Why would I talk to anyone? I don't even know most of my neighbors. I mean I hardly ever go there." I tell her, hoping she’ll leave it at that. I really want to avoid talking about my apartment right now because I still hadn't really planned out how to broach the subject of moving in yet.

Wait…moving in…The letter was in my bag, my bag that was sitting on top of the pile of clothes, my bag whose contents are now vomited all over the floor meaning…Suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks, she must have found it when she went to get the hoody from the pile of stuff by the door. Knowing her and her anal tendencies she probably found it while she was cleaning up.

Glancing up at Arizona I find myself being given a look that's usually reserved for when I get caught doing something wrong. SHIT. Crap, crap crap…how do I fix this? She hates being lied to, which is something I completely understand, so the fact that she thinks I’ve been lying to her means I’m in really hot water.

"You found the letter?” I ask, though it’s a not really a question.

"It was on the floor with the rest of the stuff that fell out of your bag." She says, pulling the folded paper out of pouch of the sweatshirt and throwing it on the coffee table in front of me.

"Oh." I murmur weakly.

"Ya oh. I'd like to say I'm not shocked and hurt, but…I am. So I just need to know why you didn't tell me about it? How long have you known? The date on there is from almost a month ago." She demands, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Let me explain, please?" I say softly.

"Start talking." She says, looking at me rather impatiently.

"Ok.” I sigh. “I wasn’t trying to hide the letter from you, not really. I just found it yesterday I went to get my mail and I swear I was planning on talking to you about it in a day or two.” I tell her, pausing to see if my words are having any effect.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" She asks, her expression softening almost imperceptibly.

"Uh…" I stutter. This is it, the moment of truth.

"Yes…" She says, looking at me pointedly.

"Uh…oh god. I thought I was going to have more time to prepare myself for this…"

"Prepare yourself for what?" She asks the panic in her voice joined by the pained look on her face. "Are you breaking up with me…are…are you going back to men? What? Tell me?" She demands worriedly.

"No it's not that. God no.” I say quickly. “It's um…I uh…I…I want to move in with you." I stammer out letting a huge breath escape my lips. I'm beginning to sweat now and I take a quick peek at Arizona's face and after seeing confusion plastered all over it, I decide to continue.

"I mean most of my clothes are already here, but some of them aren't and I uh…don't want to um…crowd your stuff with my stuff and ah…oh god this was supposed to be way more romantic…I was going to…and…unless you don't want me to. Which…would be okay." I stammer, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible about the prospect of her not wanting to move in with me.

"So you're saying you want to move in with me?" She asks softly, her voice hesitant and more unsure that I think I’ve ever heard it.

"Uh-huh." I reply, wishing like hell that I had a glass of wine in my hand right now to hide behind.

"Yes! Yes Calliope, yes! Of course I want you to move in with me." She exclaims excitedly, breaking out into a dimple filled grin.

"Really?" I whisper, smiling so hard it feels like my face might break in half. I'm so nervous I need to make sure that I'd heard her correctly.

"Yes. I want nothing more than to know that you are going to be here every day. That I can wake up with you every morning and that your home is here with me." Arizona tells me tenderly, reaching out to take my hand in hers. I'm so incredibly happy she said yes that I launch myself forward and kiss her deeply. Pinning her down on the couch I start peppering every bit of her exposed face and neck with kisses, causing her to giggle in the most delightful way. I keep doing it until she squeals breathlessly for me to stop.

I stop, propping myself up on my elbows and hovering above her, taking a moment to take in her beautiful face. I can see the love and happiness reflected in her eyes and it makes me feel so strong and whole. The fact that I could make another person so happy and feel the same happiness in return is something I never expected to find, but I did. And I am eternally grateful to god, fate, karma, or whatever it is that led me to the incredible woman in my arms.

"I love you so much." I whisper, leaning forward to gently brushing my lips against hers.

"I love you more." She whispers back, pulling me down for another kiss by the nape of my neck.

"Impossible." I whisper, pulling away for a second to catch my breath.

"Very possible." She argues with a smile before biting her lip in that adorable way she always does when she's bursting to say something but is trying desperately to hold back.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Um…when do you have to be out of your old apartment?" She asks, smiling up at me shyly.

"I have respond to the offer by the end of the week. Then I have two weeks to get my stuff out. Why is that too soon?" I question, a flutter of nerves welling up in my gut.

"Nope. Not soon enough. I say we grab the rest of your stuff this weekend." She grins, placing a sloppy kiss on my nose.

"Fine by me, most of my stuff is here already. Well…everything I need is already here anyway." I purr, seductively trailing open mouthed kisses down her neck until I find that one spot I know drives her wild. I know I’ve hit it when a low groan escapes her throat.

"Mmm…Calliopeeeee. That feels soooo gooood." She moans, clawing at my back to pull me even closer.

"Well than this should feel even better." I reply with a smirk as I shift down a bit and push her sweatshirt up enough to allow me to capture her nipple in my mouth. I take my time teasing her slowly with my tongue, flicking, licking and sucking, occasionally nibbling her and there. I can tell she’s had enough when she starts tugging on my hair, roughly urging me down where she needs me most.

Shifting further down the couch I quickly tug her boxers down, inhaling deeply when I’m met with her sweet and addicting scent. I want to tease her, to continue dragging this out and torture her just like she did to me earlier, but I can’t. Not when she whimpers my name just so while I’m laying with my face mere inches from her dripping core.

Not wasting any time I dive in and take her moist core in my mouth. I can feel the tiny tremors starting already and that does nothing but make me want her to come even more. Just as I start to do that swirly thing with my tongue that makes her beg for me to stop and never quit all at the same time the phone rings, it’s shrill sound cutting through our mutual moans and grunts.

"God don't stop the answering machine will get it." Arizona moans, pressing my head back down in place when I look up at her questioningly. Who am I to argue? I set back to work, ignoring the phone’s continued ringing until I hear the booming voice of Arizona's dad echo from the answering machine.

"Arizona it's your father. Your mother and I were talking and we realized that we didn't have Christmas dinner, and since Callie hasn't been over for a proper Robbins dinner, we decided you and Calliope should come to dinner at the house. Saturday night at 1800. Don’t be late. We love you."

"Oh god." Arizona groans, covering her face with her hands.

"What?" I ask, thinking she’s just embarrassed at her dad interrupting us like that.

"I'm going to have to tell my dad that we're moving in together." She mumbles, her words barely coherent since their muffled by her hands. Sigh I sit up and pull her hands away from her face.

"Yeah so?" I ask cautiously, thinking she’s second guessing agreeing to me moving in.

“He’s old fashioned. Like super old fashioned. He doesn’t think two people should live together unless they’re married or are going to get married.” Arizona explains as she sits up and tugs her clothes back into place.

“Oh. Well…I…um…we’re not there yet.” I stammer, knowing it’s true even if I have had the odd daydream of walking down the aisle towards my girl.

“What? No. God no. I mean one day, maybe, way down the line. But not now. No.” She blurts quickly, making me chuckle and her blush.

“I can not move in then if that’s what you want.” I offer, trying to hide my disappointment at that possibility.

"No I want you to move in. It’s just…he's going to want to talk to you. I mean he’s going to anyway, but this complicates things." She huffs, flopping back against the couch.

"Again? I mean he's already talked to me. I know you were pretty out of it at the funeral but you do remember introducing us right?" I remind her gently.

"Oh no, that doesn't count, not even close. He's going to want to take you into his study and talk, and by talk I mean grill you. Especially once he knows we live together…oh god." She groans, looking horrified.

"Arizona, take a breath." I tell her, pushing aside my own nerves about going to dinner with her parents so I can calm her down. "I love you. I want to spend time with your parents. And nothing your father says or does will scare me off."

"I know. I just…"

"You're worried he'll scare me off." I say calmly, resting my hand on her thigh.

"Yeah." She sighs reluctantly, like she’s ashamed to admit it.

"Don't be. He can grill me all he wants. Ask all the embarrassing questions he can think of. Nothing is scaring me off. I promise." I tell her firmly, looking into her eyes so she’ll see how serious I am.

“Yeah?” She murmurs, looking at me hopefully.

“Yeah.” I grin. “I don’t know if you know it or not, but I kind of think you’re amazing and I’m kind of head over heels in love with you.”

“Maybe you should show me?” She whispers huskily, echoing my words from earlier as she leans in for a deep kiss that quickly gets up just as fired up as we were moments ago.

fanfic: callie/arizona, fanfic: moments in time

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