May 09, 2006 18:44
You can tell i should be revising when i post on livejournal.
I did my first exam of the season earlier, it was a piece of piss. In a way. A not really piece of piss way, but still, it was straightforward and i knew what i had to do. It was Middle East bizniz and our lecturer seemed to have written the questions based on the essay questions he'd asked us to devise and write on, which was nice of him. But that's Toby Dodge for you, he's my hero *swoon*. Tribalism and the Middle Eastern state anyone? Yes please, wrote my essay on that. To what extent has the Umma replaced the Arab Nation as a unifying cause? Alright then.
Sadly, the exam i have tomorrow is for a course that was only invented a few months ago ('Visions of Capitalism', sounds fun, but kids, it's not), and since the short course finished the lecturer has buggered of to somewhere else. So no old exam papers to get a grip on the angle of questions, no revision class, just blind bloody luck. But that's fine, my flawless tactic for tackling exams; shameless blagging and waffling, is perfect for such a situation. As well as the fact Marx will probably figure prominently and i've had him hammered into my soft pink brain for the past three years. I do wish Marx would shut up sometimes. You'd think he'd be quiet by now, but no, despite being VERY VERY dead, he still seems capable of rabbiting on about economic theory and materialist history. Give up Marx, you started well, but then everything got all Russian and, well, we know where it all went from there.
This seems to have led me to my guilty confession; i am actually quite taken by the arguments of Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek. I haven't gone all right-wing or anything, i just think that these two right-wing anti-christs aren't half as bad as they've been presented by mdern neo-cons. They have some valid points, but the general ethos of liberty and logic seems to have been distorted and lost by lunatic Mericans with some kind of oedipal love of the empire their British daddio got but they never had a chance to play with.
Fuck, that got a bit 'deep' there. Fart, fanny and flange. That's better.