DEPLOYMENT 4: We Built This City on Blood and Gore

Aug 07, 2011 20:39

[ACTION - A (Outside Mayfield Dairy, OPEN TO ALL)]

[On his first day in Mayfield, Caesar had asked Balin if he had any explosives or powers strong enough to destroy an armored building, referring to the attack made on the Dairy back in March. So today, while Mayfield is temporarily without a police chief, Balin is outside the Mayfield Dairy.]

[He ( Read more... )

*jacques' roller rink, ^shana, ^merem solomon, *mayfield dairy, ^susan sto helit, *action, ^the major, ^theo crawford, nuking your asses later, *mayfield high, @mayfield, ^event: wanted, taking your names now

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sanctusdei August 8 2011, 03:52:06 UTC
You can try, but you'll probably just get droned for it, and any damage'll be fixed the next day.

...Sort of. I was trying to keep people out. [That means he was sided with Grady, but he doesn't really care what anyone thinks about it.]


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 03:56:38 UTC
Huh. So you saw a previous op on'is Dairy an' was tryin'a keep people from gettin' droned or something?

[He looks back up at the Dairy.]

An'a Dairy'll just "respawn" like everyone else, huh ... Well, Grady ain't around to drone people now, right? [At least, he figures that Grady's the one who handles the droning, from what he read of Dist's pamphlet.] That's why they're lookin' for a new chief?


sanctusdei August 9 2011, 02:19:04 UTC
Grady offered us more power if we kept people out of it. I agreed.

During that whole... April Fools bullshit, the place got leveled, but it was all a joke anyway. Here it is again, good as new.


walking_nuke August 9 2011, 02:52:24 UTC
[So this guy sided against the rest of the captives for power? He makes a note to write that down later ... But he doesn't ]

[But right now, he's glancing back up at the Dairy.]

Oh, so they were just fakin' everyone out, then?

Has anyone tried attackin'a Dairy again with whatever weapons worked back when'at happened?


sanctusdei August 9 2011, 04:02:49 UTC
Not that I've seen. Personally, I've thought about blasting it to kingdom come myself a few times. Just for something to do. Who knows, maybe I can find the right spell to crack it open with.


walking_nuke August 9 2011, 04:09:37 UTC
Good time as any with Grady dead.

[Balin looks thoughtful as he visually scans the building one more time.]

I don't got my Logos Abilities back yet, but I'm hopin'a synthesize some explosives before'a new chief's sworn in. Or however they're gonna replace Grady. Kinda wish I had a workstation, though, I'd be able'a make some of'a heavy-duty explosive compounds I worked with back in'a AFS, like ONC an' shit.


sanctusdei August 10 2011, 02:17:26 UTC
"Logos Abilities"? That's a new one on me. But I don't think anyone's tried anything heavy-duty on it. Probably a waste of good explosives, but it's worth a shot.


walking_nuke August 10 2011, 02:28:02 UTC
[Balin nods in agreement, at least in that it's worth trying. The first step will be finding the necessary ingredients, though ...]

Logos is a system for manipulating'a universe with a sentient mind. Well, that's'a human name for it, at least.


sanctusdei August 11 2011, 17:39:32 UTC
Hnn. So a magic system, essentially?


walking_nuke August 11 2011, 18:31:22 UTC
Yeah, that's how I tend'a look at it.

I ain't a Logos researcher, but from what I heard, the Eloh developed it after they discovered a "grand unified theory" or two we didn't figure out yet.


sanctusdei August 12 2011, 03:07:19 UTC
Hnn. No one know where magic originated where I'm from. Seems like it's always been around, and only had gotten more and more prevalent and time went on. Slowly, though.


walking_nuke August 12 2011, 06:42:41 UTC
Old as recorded history, huh?

What kinda stuff you do with your magic?


sanctusdei August 13 2011, 15:15:03 UTC
Personally? My areas of specialty are gravity and force, and necromancy.

[He lights up a cigarette and looks at Balin for a reaction. Peoples opinions are pretty varied on that second specialty set, and he's always curious as to what people will say.]


walking_nuke August 13 2011, 19:14:04 UTC
Gravtiy an' force ... Can you make gravity wells?

Though, necromancy-with somethin' like that, you sound like you'd be best buds with some of'a Exobiologists I know back home.

[After he says that, Balin's expression changes into a frown that says, "where have I heard this before?" He hasn't yet connected the dots that he's heard Theo on the phone last month.]


sanctusdei August 14 2011, 03:59:42 UTC
Gravity wells? Hnn. Haven't tried, but I'm sure I could figure it out eventually. I've been finding other purposes for it though.

That so? It's not looked well upon where I'm from, and it's not very useful in Mayfield. That's why I began studying force.


*really needs to make more userpics XD* walking_nuke August 14 2011, 04:29:11 UTC
A strong enough gravity well might be enough'a bring this place down. Even if it's for a day.

[He glances back up at the building for a second, as if seeing if there might be some place in the Dairy's construction most vulnerable to that.]

Well, necromancy ain't a pretty topic-but'a Bane does it to us, an' our Exobiologists give as good as we get by rasin' their battlefield dead. And hey, nukes were just as much of'a taboo back before'a Bane nearly wiped us off'a map.

[Balin points a thumb at himself.]

An' now? I'm a walkin' WMD. Or-I am, when I got my Logos Abilities. Not so much at'a moment.


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