DEPLOYMENT 1: Reassignment to Mayfield

Jul 11, 2011 20:07

[PHONE(unfiltered, to all)] [ACTION(for housemates)]

[It's Monday morning again in Mayfield, and 847 Goldberg Street has a new acting father. Balin Wilbur isn't a heavy sleeper by any stretch of the word-so not long after Mayfield whisks him away, he subconsciously realizes something very wrong has happened.]

[Balin's eyes pop open. He's not in a ( Read more... )

go get my goddamn phone book, *847 goldberg street, brooklyn called they want their rage bac, goooood morning mayfieeeeeld!, *action, *phone, ^caesar silverberg, !intro, ^riza hawkeye, ^holland, @mayfield

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Action snipingmissy July 12 2011, 04:47:48 UTC
Not the whole town, just the drones. There are plenty of people here like you and I, who wake up in bed and married to someone we've never met before, with children who we have never seen before in our lives.

[She sighed, digging a notebook out of her pocket and hands him her own notes, as well as this pamphlet.]

I need to keep both of these as they are the only copies I have, but you're welcome to read them.


Re: Action walking_nuke July 12 2011, 05:07:17 UTC
Oh, that's just great. Man, I never even planned on having kids ...

[When Riza offers her notes and the pamphlet, Balin nods and takes them both, glancing them over.]

Ahright. Guess I'll start with the pamphlet first. Uh-you got time to wait on me while I read through this, or should I give 'em back to you later today?

[He's already glancing at the pamphlet.]


Action snipingmissy July 12 2011, 05:26:12 UTC
I didn't plan on being married or having children. I'm lucky I didn't hurt the poor man the other day.

[She checks her watch, frowning.] I have a few minutes for you to read.


Re: Action walking_nuke July 12 2011, 05:48:22 UTC
I'll make it quick.

[Thankfully, Balin's a fairly fast reader. As he reads through the pamphlet, his expression changes. At first, he frowns.

[Then narrows his eyes slightly ... and then looks horrified, and angry.]

[Then, he looks surprised. Holding onto the notebook and pamphlet with one hand, he glances to his free hand and performs an odd gesture in the air-almost like he's he's pulling down window blinds. Nothing happens.]

... Holy shit.

[He glances through the list of events, but he looks absolutely furious now.]

Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch! I was-you know, just a few hours ago, I was fighting inna war for humanity's right to exist. Now I gotta be a plaything of a few sadistic fuckers in their sitcom of a town?!

[He rubs his eyes with his freehand and sighs.]

Just when you think you've seen everything ... Man, if I ever get outta here, the brass is not gonna believe this story.


Action snipingmissy July 12 2011, 06:32:56 UTC
[She watched his reaction silently, unwittingly standing at attention as he read and waiting for him to finish. She forced herself to keep her expression even and calm.

His war sounded remarkably like hers, but she fights the recognition from her eyes and nods.]

I wouldn't believe you, so I assume it's safe to say your superiors wouldn't either.


Re: Action walking_nuke July 12 2011, 06:55:20 UTC
Yeah. Best I can hope for is that I don't get court-martialed for bein' AWOL.

[He sighs, handing the pamphlet back to her, then flipping open the notebook to scan through her own notes. He sounds a lot calmer now, although still highly displeased by this whole turn of events.]

I see why you made it a priority to arm yourself, though. I better do the same.

You said you were a Sniper, yeah? Well, I'ma Demolitionist. I got a lot of training in making and setting up explosives, so If you ever need munitions or something, gimme a call.

[He considers mentioning being a Logos Receptive, but it'd probably be best to not hold Riza up any longer than he has already. He hands over the notebook after his scan through.]

Thanks for the briefing, Lieutenant. And uh-sorry for mistaking you for being a Penumbra agent. Something like this, I just wasn't expectin'.


Action snipingmissy July 12 2011, 07:25:56 UTC
[She takes the pamphlet back, and when she has the notebook as well, she tucks it into a hidden pocket. The process reveals that she does have her gun holstered and with her, and she is going to go to work with it on. At a hospital. It's probably better not to ask.

Demolitionist--it immediately brings up memories of Kimblee, and she shakes her head.] I borrowed a suit and a hat from a neighbor, and the gentleman who worked at the hardware store was none the wiser. It's a risk seeing as the punishment for breaking rules is droning, but it's one worth taking.

[Hawkeye nods slightly.] You're very welcome, Sergeant.

It's perfectly fine, I understand. It's difficult to know who is friend or foe here. I'm lucky I didn't cause more than cursory harm to my "husband" when I first woke up here.

[She's already at the door, and turns back to him.] If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. Call, come down to the hospital--I'm sure you could feign enough of an injury to warrant a nurse's attention,or you can come by the house. I ( ... )


Re: Action walking_nuke July 12 2011, 07:39:22 UTC
[Sounds like the drones are easy to fool ... that's good to know, but for the rest of the "prisoners" ... He's going to need to gather more intel. A lot more intel.]

[Balin gives Riza a nod as she heads out the door.]

Will do. Catch you later.

[After Riza leaves, Balin goes about looking for a pen and pencil to write down her name and address ...]


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