DEPLOYMENT 1: Reassignment to Mayfield

Jul 11, 2011 20:07

[PHONE(unfiltered, to all)] [ACTION(for housemates)]

[It's Monday morning again in Mayfield, and 847 Goldberg Street has a new acting father. Balin Wilbur isn't a heavy sleeper by any stretch of the word-so not long after Mayfield whisks him away, he subconsciously realizes something very wrong has happened.]

[Balin's eyes pop open. He's not in a ( Read more... )

go get my goddamn phone book, *847 goldberg street, brooklyn called they want their rage bac, goooood morning mayfieeeeeld!, *action, *phone, ^caesar silverberg, !intro, ^riza hawkeye, ^holland, @mayfield

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commentboxtroll July 17 2011, 05:33:20 UTC
[True Runes are always so much fun to discuss. Really.

He shrugs, awfully nonchalant about this, though why shouldn't he be? He's had months of this kind of thing to get used to it.]

I'm sure they will, at some point. Everything following that so far has been harmless in comparison. [If headache inducing.] Did we...

[Oh. He should have expected that question to come up. There's a pause that goes on a little too long, though he manages to keep looking straight on at Balin for the duration of it.]

No. Neither of us killed anyone.


walking_nuke July 17 2011, 05:46:50 UTC
[Balin frowns very slightly during that pause, and after Caesar replies. Is Caesar lying about this ... ? Then again, Balin figures not many people would answer truthfully to a question like that. Shoulda known better.]

[Well, that's something he'll have to independently verify somehow. For now, though, Balin glances around the house.]

Ahright ... Well, that changes'a game. Can't use my Logos Abilities till'a town gives 'em back, so I'll hafta rely on th' basics.

I'll look into what I can scrape together in'is town, but I can prolly rig up some antipersonnel or remote-detonation mines in case someone ever gets'a idea to come an' kill any one of us.


commentboxtroll July 18 2011, 03:12:33 UTC
[He could very well be lying, though his hesitance stemmed more from dreading any further follow-up questions about his own experiences during that particular time. That, however, isn't something he's about to add.]

I'm going to assume you mean some kind of powers... [It's the second part that gets a stare.] Detonation? You mean... bombs?


walking_nuke July 18 2011, 03:42:20 UTC
You could think'a Logos Abilities bein' like that. Hell, it looks a lot like magic to me.

An' yeah, I mean bombs. My MOS in'a AFS is Demolitionist. I got trained in handlin' explosives an' setting up or clearin' out minefields an' field defenses. I can't make any AFS gear without'a right equipment, but I've got a lot of chemistry under my belt, so I know how to manufacture older explosive compounds from this century and come up with some delivery devices for 'em.

[A beat.]

Well, I guess it'd be more "IED" in this case, but that's just splittin' hairs.


commentboxtroll July 18 2011, 05:13:42 UTC
Oh. Magic.

[He can deal with magic. Though explosives...]

Just be careful about where you make those. The house is nicer when it's in one piece. [He has no idea what any of those acronyms meant, but the rest can be picked up on easily enough.] Know anything from this time that would be powerful enough to destroy a reinforced barn?

[What... an odd and random question that is.]


walking_nuke July 18 2011, 05:51:14 UTC
Well, yeah, I ain't gonna store 'em in here. Safety's part of'a job, you know? Gotta store 'em properly, especially with'a more dangerous ones. ... Though hopefully I can find a way to make plastic explosives. Those're pretty inert, only blow up when you absolutely want 'em to. Easy to shape an' mold with your fingers, too. They're kinda like Play-Doh from Hell that way.

[Not that Balin is sure Caesar would know what that is ...]

If you've got a reinforced barn or shed, that'd be great ... don't see how you can have one in'a middle'a suburbia, but it'd work.

Whether or not they'd be powerful enough to destroy it, that depends on'a material it's made out of an'a explosives in question.


commentboxtroll July 19 2011, 02:44:53 UTC
[He really, really does not.]

I'll just take your word on those. [No doubt he'll get to see what they are at some point, right?] I don't have one, but one of the town's keepers does. It's the Mayfield Dairy. You'll see it if you wander around long enough.


walking_nuke July 19 2011, 03:15:02 UTC
[Balin strokes his chin thoughtfully.]

The dairy, huh? That pamphlet mentioned somethin' about not drinkin'a milk. Didn't go into detail though.

I'll make a note to check it out. Dunno if I'll be able to identify what it's armored with rightaway, 'specially if it's disguised as an ordinary building. Worth a shot, though.

[Balin paces a bit, gesturing conversationally with his hands as he talks ... He's thinking aloud, though addressing Caesar as he does it.]

First priorty's gotta be securin'is building, though, just in case Mayfield calls open season on everyone again.

Best thing for that would be some anti-personnel mines that blow out'a cone of shrapnel. Somethin' like'a Claymore mines, somethin' that's detonated on command instead of bein' made'a explode when tripped or stepped on. That way nobody gets hurt or killed unless we want 'em to be ( ... )


commentboxtroll July 19 2011, 03:39:47 UTC
Yeah, the Milkman is insane and poisons it.

[Caesar is content to remain in the chair, watching the strange new housemate pace about. At least he was amiable, if a little bomb-obsessed.]

We have a safe house to fall back to with a few other people, but that's only ever good for three days at a time. And try not to set any of those up without warning us first... [Not only did he like the house in one piece, he also liked himself in one piece.] So, do you actually have a name or do I have to refer to you as the random guy with too many bombs?


walking_nuke July 19 2011, 03:48:49 UTC
Oh that's just lovely. What, are all dairy products in'a town poisoned by 'em then? Wouldn't that just figure, coming back "home" an' ya can't even use a stick of butter 'cause of some sick bastard-

[He pauses mid-grumble when Caesar asks for his name, though.]

Oh, uh-thought you heard it when I was on'a phone.

[He turns to look at Caesar more directly. "The random guy with too many bombs?" Caesar must've not heard anything he had been saying on the phone ...]

Name an' rank, then. I'm Sergeant First Class Balin Wilbur of'a Army of Allied Free Sentients.


commentboxtroll July 19 2011, 03:59:06 UTC
Only the milk left on the step. Anything from the store is fine.

[Tch. Just because one of his bad habits happens to be eavesdropping...]

I was reading. [He shrugs.] Figured you were a soldier, at least.


walking_nuke July 19 2011, 04:17:27 UTC
[Balin looks pretty relieved!]

Okay, that's one good thing at least.

But yeah, I'ma soldier. Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner. Just, kinda uh ... still tryin' to get adjusted to all'is. I mean, just a few hours ago? I'd helped fight off a pretty hardcore assault on one of our bases back home. So I'm still kinda in gut-check mode over here.


An' just so I've got it right in my mind-your name's Caesar an' she's Virginia, right? [He's cocking a thumb upstairs to the master bedroom.]


commentboxtroll July 22 2011, 03:56:55 UTC
Don't worry about it. This place can really mess with you when you first get dumped here, so we understand.

[It was why he had opted to sit quietly with a book until the dude calmed down and spotted him first.]

And yes, that's right.


1/2 walking_nuke July 22 2011, 20:43:21 UTC
[Balin nods. Everyone is a novice the first time around! He still looks rather uncomfortable about the situation, though.]

Alright ... Well, I guess it should go without sayin' that despite this "role" Mayfield's making me play out, I ain't family guy material. [A beat.] Not like there was any chance settlin' down where an' when I'm from.

So, I ain't gonna be'a greatest of "dads," but you don't look that much younger'n me or Virginia from those pictures, so you prolly take care of yourself just fine ...


2/2 walking_nuke July 22 2011, 20:43:37 UTC
[Although that provokes a bit of an irritated fluster from Balin once he processes his own observations.]

Seriously, how'a hell does'is town think I fathered teens? I'm just startin'a push thirty!


commentboxtroll July 23 2011, 19:10:55 UTC
I wasn't planning on acting like you were a "dad". [Balin has dodged that bullet.] But the droned kid in the house won't know better.

And your first mistake is assuming the town takes anything about you into consideration. It doesn't. Not unless it's something to be used against you. Everyone gets sorted into roles by age, no matter what that age might be.


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