Heroes: Nothing left to say but goodbye ( 3/?, Elle's POV )

Jul 26, 2008 22:13

In the end the world will break your heart ( 3/? ), Elle's POV

"In the end the world will break your heart."

by Jessica

Note: Title comes from a quote by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

"At times so self destructive

With no intent or motive

But behind this emotion,

There lies a sensible heart"

Five days earlier
Elle's POV

The familiar feeling of fear trickled down your spine as you opened the door to his office and stepped inside.

You pushed it away and a little voice inside of your head whispered about what a coward you were.

But his office had always had a way of making you feel so small and insignificant.

He was sitting behind his desk and he looked up as you entered.


You sat down on a chair that faced his desk and crossed your legs.

He took of his glasses and rubbed the base of his nose between his thumb and index finger.

He looked tired.

"Dad. What's up?"

You tried to sound cheerful but it just sounded fake.

"I need you to take a trip."

You hated that word.


He always tried to make it sound like a big event, like something normal even.

There was no such thing in your world.

Nothing in your life was normal.

But then again your definition of normal was blurry at its best.

You lived in a building defined by its huge wall and security guards.

You were surrounded by men that did its best at picking apart the miracle of life, men that got their kicks from playing God.

Your life had never been yours.

You were their property.

You had never questioned your life.

You knew your place in the order of things.


"We have located Adam."

You flinched like his words had caused you physical harm.

A month had passed since Adam had escaped from the company.

The fault was yours and yours alone.

It had never been spoken about but you knew that look in your fathers eyes.

You had failed him.

Adam had become a sore point since the day he had slipped from your grasp.

You had shown weakness when it came to Adam.

You knew that.

You had let him crawl under your skin and like a disease he had slowly infected your body, slowly

weakening you.

If you had been stronger, more focused nothing like this would ever had happened.


"A small town by the Canadian boarder."

"And you want me to go?"


His eyes seemed to pierce into you, nailing you in your place.

He had always had the ability to make you feel vulnerable when he looked at you.

"Thank you."

"Don't disappoint me, Elle."

"I won't."

You couldn't fail him again.

He wouldn't allow it.

You rose from your chair and started to move towards the door.

Your heart was beating fast in your chest as you moved.

Your hand trembled a little as you opened the door.

"I'm expecting big things from you, Elle."

His words found there way inside and seemed to coil around your heart like an angry snake.

You stood there with your hand still resting on the door handle.

"I know you are."

"Bring him back. Just bring him back and everything will be forgotten."

You were this powerful creature.

People feared you.

He was the only one that had the power to really hurt you.

And you would let him.

You looked back at him and said:

"I promise."

He smiled that special smile that told you that he was pleased.

"Good girl."

"Bye, Dad."

He didn't look at you. He was already lost in some paperwork.

You closed the door behind you and started down the hallway heading towards your room.

Your heart was racing in your chest.

You had the opportunity to redeem yourself, to show that his efforts were not in vain.

You wouldn't fail.

Not this time.

Not anymore.

in the end the world, heroes, nothing left to say but goodbye

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