Title: Gunned Down
wakingnitemarexRating: R
Disclaimer: This obviously DIDN’T happen (thank God) and I do not wish for anything like this to ever happen. This is entirely fiction. Not for profit, don’t own the boys.
Pairing: General? Kradison friendship?
Prompt: #14:Gun
Word Count: 282
Warnings: Character death
Author’s Notes: For the
ai_darkfic ficathon.
Confusion is everyone’s first reaction as Adam falls into a crumpled pile on the ground - no one had heard the sound of the gun going off over the music. All eyes are on him as he clutches at his chest, unable to stop the blood pouring down over his hands. It’s not long before mass panic breaks out, starting when Allison screams and drops her mic, rushing over to Adam and dropping to her knees as she frantically tries to press down on the wound. She barely registers the sounds of the crowd’s screams; all she can concentrate on is the terror in her best friend’s eyes as she screams and cries, begging him to hold on.
Kris fights through the line of security guards trying to keep him and the other Idols safe and runs to Allison’s side as soon as he breaks through. They get pushed aside as the medics and more security crowd around Adam and Allison grabs onto Kris, burying her face in his chest and clinging to him like he’s her lifeline. One of the guards begs them to go backstage, but it’s useless - they all know, deep down, that Adam was the only intended victim of this attack. It wasn’t a random act; it was an act of hate.
Through his tears, Kris can see one of the medics checking Adam’s pulse. His hand falls away after a long moment and he slowly shakes his head, a sobered expression on his face as he stands. A hush falls over the theatre and for a moment that feels like an eternity, the silence is suffocating.
Kris barely registers that it’s his own cries that break the silence.