There Comes A Time When Every Lonely Little Boy Must Learn How To Dance (1/1)

Jun 24, 2008 16:56

Title: There Comes A Time When Every Lonely Little Boy Must Learn How To Dance
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Cookstro
Disclaimer: FanFICTION, people.
Scenario: Jason Castro dressed as a slutty school girl
Prompt: "Give it to me, Daddy." - Jason
Author's Notes: This if for the second scenario contest over at castrodome. Credit for the title goes to ... ( Read more... )

singer: david cook, fanfic, scenario, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro, tv show: american idol season 7

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Comments 36

aligning_stars June 24 2008, 20:37:14 UTC



I is ded.


wakingnitemarex June 24 2008, 20:39:07 UTC
Don't leave meeee~ D:



aligning_stars June 24 2008, 20:42:30 UTC
i think we need to just resign ourselves to being zombies, at this point. XD


wakingnitemarex June 24 2008, 20:43:32 UTC
You are probably right.


heartstopperm June 24 2008, 23:09:49 UTC
*melts into a puddle of incoherent goo* THAT. WAS. JUST. EPIC.

...*has the sudden urge to draw Jason in a school girl outfit*


hatemetoday_xx June 24 2008, 23:12:27 UTC
*mops up the mess*
Hee~ I'm getting good at this epic thing. xD;

*___* DO IT! OH PLEASE? *begs shamelessly*


heartstopperm June 24 2008, 23:46:46 UTC
OKAY BUT ONLY CAUSE YOU'RE AWESOME. It shall be dedicated to you. :D


wakingnitemarex June 27 2008, 00:38:45 UTC
YAY! :D!

aww. thank you! *squees*
Now I feel important. <3


fabbsam June 24 2008, 23:19:01 UTC
:O what do i say. omg omg omg i think you made me pregnant. i dont know how but you did!

so fucking hot! i love you XD


wakingnitemarex June 27 2008, 00:33:03 UTC
Duuuude. That's crazy! :O
I don't even have semen! XD

Thanks, bb! I love you, too <3


flux88 June 24 2008, 23:32:34 UTC
You're trying to kill us all aren't you? Cause if you are, it's working.

I'm 2econding the ded motion.


flux88 June 24 2008, 23:33:37 UTC


wakingnitemarex June 27 2008, 00:34:04 UTC
b-b-but.. I don't wanna be a murdered! D:
*gets 'Unfaithful' stuck in her head*

but I'm glad you liked it! <33


flux88 June 27 2008, 00:51:59 UTC
Even if you were a murderer, I don't think I could turn you in. Then I wouldn't be able to read your fantastical writing.


aishlin June 25 2008, 00:02:14 UTC
Hahahaha, I read the title and kind of hoped that it was a Who fic.

It's Steven Moffat. ♥ ONLY TEH MOFF COULD COME UP WITH AN EP LIKE THAT and yeah, disappearing now. I didn't read it, I'm sorryyyy D:


wakingnitemarex June 27 2008, 00:35:22 UTC
Aww D:
Now I have to write you a Who-fic, don't I?
And I will try to keep it het.

and under pg15.


I was pretty sure it was a Moffat ep, but I wasn't positive.
Somehow I knew you'd comment with the answer for me. lol!

and it's okay, bb. It might've broken your brain anyways. xD;


not_from_mars June 27 2008, 00:52:27 UTC
Haha, sure?
... ACTUALLY. I-I've been itching for Ten/Master lately since nothing's happened at Para yet. THINK YOU CAN DO IT?

Just don't get too smutty. xD CAUSE YOU KNOW HOW I AM. But hot, yplz.

Haha, I'm predictable. <3 Also, I'm too lazy to switch journals. 8| Sorry.


hatemetoday_xx June 27 2008, 03:32:06 UTC

haha. I will try very hard, bb! :D!

*knows all about that*



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