My entry for the 'I love you like pancakes' bingo card at
scifiland. 14 icons, 2 wallpapers and 8 gifs from Fringe, Doctor Who and Tin Man. Actually it's mostly Olivia being awesome :P
.A pair
Fringe - Lincoln and Charlie (gif): I just love the Over There team (which I sense is going to lead to a heartbreak the way this season is going)
Tin Man - Azkadellia (icons): I know she's not the real villan, but she was the villain for most of it, and she makes for pretty icons ^^
Doctor Who - New Earth (gifs): It's just a beautiful episode, and the colors are beautiful. Especially the green grass :P
Fringe - Olivia's hair (gifs): She really fits the red hair, and I thought some gifs would do it justice
And Olivia being a BAMF in the latest episode, I just couldn't resist her.
Faster version.Your Choice
Fringe - Olivia/glasses (icons): Pretty self-explanatory I think. Plus by now, I think that it should be obvious that I have a huge crush on Olivia. She is sexy in her glasses.
Fringe - Altivia/Olivia (wallpaper): It really was the only thing I could do :)
Doctor Who - Amy's Choice (wallpaper and icons): That episode was really cold, and I love Amy so much!
Without text Matching icons:
.I love you like pancakes
Tin Man - everyone (icons): I love the scene were everyone gets hugs, and they decide to beat the evil witch. It's beautiful ^^
.Smarter than
Fringe - Astrid (icons): Astrid is one of my favourite characters (in both universes). And she is super smart :)
Comments are ♥, credit is necessary for icons, but not for walls and gifs (just don't claim as your own) :) Textless icons are not bases and do not hotlink!
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