[fanfic] deus ex monstrum || pt. i

Jun 09, 2016 04:30

Title: Deus Ex Monstrum
Fandom: EXO
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, blood, etc; eventual character death
Summary: In between the shadows and destruction and nothing, there is a change ( Read more... )

exo, fanfiction

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Comments 4

tixing June 9 2016, 13:08:58 UTC

Yeah, I haven't got anything else, I'm just. Wow.

Fantastic prose; I loved every bit of this, the different events flowed so wonderfully. I liked how each member didn't have to say much and yet they conveyed all of this emotion and understanding about their character in so few words.


I'm not usually into gen fics, I'll admit, but this was an amazing read. The continuation from the two MVs was great, and I loved how each member had different handles and ways of approaching situations.

I'M SO SORRY THIS ISNT A BETTER COMMENT IM SUPER SLEEP DEPRIVED AND CANT FIND THE RIGHT WORDS FRICK but this deserves so much attention and adoration, really, I mean wow, 11/10 (o__O)


wakinghyde June 14 2016, 04:23:03 UTC
WOW, just WOW

This is such a nice comment, far more than I expected after not writing for two years!

Yeah, I am a bit worried that the gen will put people off, but I also feel like pairings would be very out of place at this point... It's a difficult line!

I am happy you enjoyed the actual writing as well though, comments like these make it easier to write more!! Thanks a lot!! :D


silentsheeep June 10 2016, 03:09:07 UTC
Amazing! I can totally see it happening from the MV.

And you manage to even make it realistic as to how the droid personality would have been. Luv it!


wakinghyde June 14 2016, 04:23:50 UTC
Thaanks!! The character depictions were a bit tricky, but I'm glad it came across well!


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