For now, i shall be gone. but i will leave with this last rasta tip. True happiness is only acheived when you stay true to yourself. be yourself. dress how you like. popped collar with a hemp necklace is not illegal. if you like it wear it. pearls with "bohemian" clothes isn't ordinary, but if its what you like wear it. Smoking pot and painted nails is ok.You will be happy when and only when you are yourself. -Rasta Rocker. But don't fear, there will later be a return. Im simply taking a hiatus.
hey i dont really know u all that well but i know people that do and u seem like a pretty chill girl. you shouldnt really look much into what people think about you because its a bunch of bullshit so u should just look past what they think and be happy smiling is fun
Comments 6
ps;; i like your hair better wavy.
-Rasta Rocker. But don't fear, there will later be a return. Im simply taking a hiatus.
so u should just look past what they think and be happy
smiling is fun
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