Nine. The Dragon King

Nov 11, 2011 14:41

{Viserys has bathed! Which probably means some awkward splashing in a sink, since a shower would be beyond his comprehension. He's taken note of what's going on with the network today, and he's decided to see if he can make contact with anyone from Westeros or Essos. He doesn't know how to do much of anything without servants, but he attempted to ( Read more... )

this is my kingly voice, all the dragon, fourth wall day, pledge your loyalty and stuff, the king of westeros, king viserys iii, i'm the dragon bitch, the dragon, fuck yeah i'm king

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Comments 45

[Private] dont_tell_sansa November 11 2011, 20:05:33 UTC
[Lol not swearing any fealty, sorry buddy. :c But she is curious about this sratagem.]

You can't do anything if they don't.


[Private] wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:35:24 UTC
What are you even talking about?

If I can find someone from Westeros, or even the fucking Free Cities, maybe I can find a way out of here for us. You do want to leave, don't you?

Illyrio said they sang songs and drank secret toasts. Someone out there remembers House Targaryen. I'm the last dragon. Someone will want to come for me.


[Private] dont_tell_sansa November 11 2011, 20:48:59 UTC
But how will they get us out? They can't just come here.


[Private] wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:51:21 UTC
How do you know?


chessmastergirl November 11 2011, 20:06:34 UTC
[The image of a pale woman who looks like she could pass for a Targaryen appears on Viserys's communicator. She looks amused.]

A beautiful speech. And what is your plan for taking back these Seven Kingdoms, O Viserys of House Targaryen?

[The insolent way she draws out the syllables of his title makes it seem more like an insult.]


wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:39:39 UTC
[She looks enough like a Targaryen that he looks for purple eyes. Of course, she couldn't actually be a Targaryen. Unless someone was fucking around. Regardless, he doesn't like her tone.]

Do not mock the dragon, wench. For all I know, you're working for the Usurper's get. I'm not going to just hand over my plans.


chessmastergirl November 11 2011, 20:46:27 UTC
[The absence of the signature Targaryen lilacs is the only giveaway that her ancestry is not intertwined with his. She carries herself with the bearing of a queen, and when he censures her, she laughs indulgently.]

We haven't been properly introduced, so I'll forgive your ignorance, but know that I work for no one, and certainly not any 'usurper'. If you have a plan and you are not simply posturing, we can talk. Otherwise, don't waste my time.


Private - Viserys' first use of a filter! Let us rejoice wakethedragon November 11 2011, 23:52:22 UTC
I'm being held prisoner.

I didn't want to make that common knowledge for obvious reasons.

I hope this filter is working. I've only just learned how to do this.


andbrokenthings November 11 2011, 20:07:39 UTC
I dare say I've made many mistakes, my lord. But please, do tell us where you are so that I may come beg forgiveness of your royal personage.


Assuming some sort of lion swag? wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:48:31 UTC

Who the--

[Blond. Dwarf. Blond. Dwarf. Blond dwarf. The lion stared at him with murdering eyes.]

Why not beg right here and now? I can't reveal my location. I have so many enemies.


All the gold and red and prancing lions and shit. ALL OF IT. andbrokenthings November 11 2011, 20:50:30 UTC
Yes, and we must protect you from them, Your Highness. My sweet sister and goodbrother will be especially eager to see to that. [Lol fuck you Cersei :|]


wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:53:25 UTC
[All. The. Staring.]

Is this some sort of jape, Lannister? Do not think me a fool.


projectroanway November 11 2011, 20:28:04 UTC
Darling, we really need to do something about that tunic.


wakethedragon November 11 2011, 20:49:43 UTC
[A Pony? He tilts his head slightly to one side.]

What would you do about it?


projectroanway November 11 2011, 20:52:37 UTC
Get you something that's less dirty of course. Maybe in a light blue, I think that color would look good on you.


wakethedragon November 11 2011, 23:54:04 UTC
Red and black are the colors of my house. I can't wear a light blue tunic.

I could, however, wear light blue smallclothes or silks or perhaps even a doublet.

Light blue doesn't seem a strong enough color for a king.

[Yes, he's just...talking to the talking pony.]


corpseknight November 12 2011, 10:54:20 UTC
[This is an especially awkward video post because Lark has decided to be a jackass and round up some friends to join him.

So Viserys gets a really, really blurry shot of a couple of dragons chilling out in the background.]

How much more am I going to have to feed you compared to these two?


wakethedragon November 12 2011, 21:41:19 UTC
[HE WANTS ONE OF THOSE DRAGONS VERY, VERY MUCH. HE ACTUALLY IS VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOUR DRAGONS, SIR. But he's probably going to try to feign some sort of casual.]

A three-headed dragon is my family sigil, sir.

[He can be nice when he needs to be.]

We used to breed and raise dragons, but alas, true dragons are extinct in my land.


Where are you from?


Come to Azeroth, Viserys. You can have any color of dragon you want. 8D corpseknight November 13 2011, 01:19:04 UTC
[There's some shaky-cam moments as the big red dragon comes blundering over for attention right nao please at the sound of another voice. Lark is clearly talking off-mike:] No, stop that, you great idiot. I already fed you. Twice. You can't eat this.


They just let themselves die out? [DOES NOT COMPUTE. D:]

Azeroth. Suppose the Seven Kingdoms are off on another world out in the Twisting Nether we haven't found yet, right?


I WANT TO COME TO AZEROTH, I WANT ALL THE DRAGONS wakethedragon November 13 2011, 02:33:48 UTC
[His jaw drops and his eyes widen when he sees the massive red dragon. Seven hells. It was a real, living, breathing dragon.

He blinks several times before managing to speak.]

What? Yes. Yes, they let themselves die out. We kept trying to breed them but they got smaller and smaller and then they just--that was it.

[Azeroth. He burns that name into his brain for all time. He needs to go to Azeroth and get himself some dragons. Then he can conquer Westeros just like Aegon did, and a thousand Usurpers won't be able to stop him.]

Yes. I'm sure that's exactly right. [What the fuck is the Twisting Nether.] The Seven Kingdoms are a part of Westeros.


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