Title: Hallucination
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: Pg.
Characters: Romana II, Ten, Four (mentioned)
Pairing: slight Romana/Doctor
Warnings: None.
Summary: Drabble. The Doctor doubts Romana's existence. She decides to pove it to him.
Well, desperate times called for desperate measures. )
Comments 6
I like this! I can just visualize this so clearly, and I can also imagine (once they got over the rest of the greetings), Romana commenting on the interior of the Tardis and the quirks of this more human Doctor... The adjustment period sounds rather intriguing!
Yeah, the ajdustment period would be very entertaining; I might right more of this period later on.
Thanks for reviewing.
Thanks for reviewing.
I'm glad you liked it.
Thank you for reviewing.
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