Title: Sweet Victory Author: jairissa Characters: Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley Word Count: 2196 Prompt: You Were Right About Me Summary: Last impressions, perhaps, were the ones to be trusted.
Ok, this is wonderfully written and horrible all at the same time! And I mean that in a good way, lol. I really enjoyed it, but at the same time I really want him to run after her and be like...just kidding. :-P This is a one-shot, correct? I didn't see any other T/V stories on your page.
It's a one-shot for the moment. This T/V dynamic came from an RPG I was in at one point, and when it ended, the pairing was like crack to me. There'll likely be more though, if only because I do want them to have a happy ending, however screwed up Teddy is.
Comments 2
It's a one-shot for the moment. This T/V dynamic came from an RPG I was in at one point, and when it ended, the pairing was like crack to me. There'll likely be more though, if only because I do want them to have a happy ending, however screwed up Teddy is.
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