WIP Meme

Oct 12, 2011 00:15

Ganked from likeadeuce and harmonyangel:
I will post the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Choose one (ish), and I will post a random line or two.I don't have a WIP folder precisely, so I rummaged through my various fandom writing subfolders for some likely suspects ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

likeadeuce October 12 2011, 04:30:52 UTC
Dinnerparty is always good!


wabbitseason October 12 2011, 04:36:28 UTC
Ironically I haven't written the actual dinner party with the Trinity yet... DCAU, sandwiched in a semi-AU after "Divided We Fall"

"I think I've been approaching this whole assignment the wrong way," Lois announced. "It'll be the perfect opportunity for me to get to see the real you."

"The real me?" Clark tried to keep the slight uncomfortable squeak out of his voice. He didn't like the sound of this.

"It could be a real expose," Lois grinned, holding up her fingers like a camera viewfinder. "Clark Kent: Mild Mannered Reporter or Laid Back Beach Bum? The world wants to know."


likeadeuce October 12 2011, 12:29:38 UTC


jordannamorgan October 13 2011, 00:07:10 UTC
The name "LifeGoestoaParty" intrigues me terribly... but I'll pick "EurekaMarvel", since it's the only one I can guess I might know any characters from. (I assume it's a crossover with the Siffy series, though I only know of that from commercials.)


wabbitseason October 13 2011, 00:32:49 UTC
*laughs* Yes, EurekaMarvel is my Eureka meets Iron Man movies crossover:

"I wouldn’t get your hopes up. We saw him disintegrate, Pepper."

"We saw him disappear. There's a difference."

"Look, I know how you feel about Tony, and god knows I’ve gone to hell and back for the guy, but we have to accept that he's..."

"Grown six inches and wearing an expensive suit?"

"Somehow I don’t think I’m in Eureka anymore."


whipsy October 13 2011, 18:43:35 UTC
Ooh, Dinah/Ollie!

Also, that FirstDance sounds promising...


wabbitseason October 13 2011, 23:31:41 UTC
Oh, the most frustrating WIP of mine, intended for the OTP challenge awhile back. This was inspired by reading old issue of 70s era JLA/World's Finest when Dinah & Ollie were off/on:

Dinah was practicing her kicks. She spun and kicked the practice dummy hard enough to snap its moorings. One final kick sent the dummy flying against the opposite wall. Her imaginary opponent crumpled and sagged to the floor, beaten to a sad pulp, like an old ragdoll with its filling gaping open.

"Should I be grateful that wasn't me?" Oliver asked.

"Come and find out," Dinah countered.

FirstDance is Clark & Lois wedding, JLU universe, still set in a AUish from "Divided We Fall":

Still hard to believe this is real ( ... )


whipsy October 14 2011, 21:17:02 UTC
Great snippet! *worries for Ollie* ;)

Ha ha! I love that Clark wanted Bruce on the groom's side! XD


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