Mar 31, 2010 00:10

I'm on the edge of making this comicsbigbang work. I have one slight problem. I'm trying to come up with a Russian psuedonym for Bucky as an alternative to Winter Soldier. Not because I dislike the moniker, but it's not very useful for competitive skating purposes. Think Cold War era. I can't really call him James or Bucky, can I? I don't want to confuse the ( Read more... )

pairing: bucky/natasha, captain america

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Comments 2

isilweth March 31 2010, 05:32:08 UTC
I'm sure Bucky must have used aliases as the Winter Soldier, but I don't remember them ever being given. I think Yacob sounds cool - it even reminds me of Bucky because of "k" in the middle. :)

Did you ever get a response to your figure skating question over at little_details? If you still need something, I'd suggest reading My Sergei by Ekaterina Gordeeva as told to E.M. Swift. I remember reading it about fifteen years ago - it seems like a gold mine of information about Cold War Russian culture and pairs figure skating training and politics.


wabbitseason March 31 2010, 13:42:29 UTC
I did actually! Someone's boyfriend was a former competitive skater, so they forwarded along their answers. I do have My Sergei. I read it when it was released. I may reread that after the initial 10K headaches have passed.

Thanks for the input! I'm all kinds of uncertain. Weird AUs are not usually my thing.


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