Can I panic now Mommy?

May 06, 2009 09:35

I already posted this on bangalittle. I'm opening it up here because I have more comics fans on my friends list who might have suggestions.

Two weeks before rough draft is due for thelittlebang and there is no story in sight. I really don't want to give up without a fight, but it's looking dire. I've made up ground in Nano, but that was never going to be seen by anyone ( Read more... )

thelitttlebang, wonder woman, golden age, femslash

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Comments 2

stargateguy May 6 2009, 15:21:14 UTC
Hm. Setting is probably secondary, though honestly it does open different opportunities for you in either direction. I honestly think this is a problem many writers have though, which is why finding decent WW writers is a difficult process. She's not the typical hero mold like Superman or Batman, after all.

What challenges an Amazon...? Her own pride, I think. As humble as Diana is, she responds to pretty much any challenge and meets it head-on in the knowledge that she will win. What if she were forced to choose between two equally worthy challenges? Priscilla is competing largely for social status, so I figure there's got to be something there that's viable. I'm not certain of a specific setup for you as an example, sorry...I'm still working on coffee. But I'll give it a think.


pinkpolarity May 6 2009, 22:51:42 UTC
If it might help to change up the setting, why not try it?

I wish I knew enough about Wondy to answer the challenge question. I'm half asleep right now, but I'll think about it.


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