Definitive Queen & Country

Nov 14, 2007 10:51

Wow. If you haven't bought all the trades already for Greg Rucka's Queen & Country, Oni Press is releasing the Definitive editions. The first two volumes are up on Amazon already. According to the Oni site, the first volume collects the first three volumes of Q&C. I wonder if they'll do the same treatment for the Declassifieds ( Read more... )

queen and country, greg rucka

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Comments 2

iamza November 14 2007, 16:07:58 UTC
Argh! If I'd just held off buying the trades for a year longer...



destro November 14 2007, 16:14:07 UTC
Oh my god, these are gorgeous. Damn, echoing iamza: if on'y I'd just held off...

Ooh. These are pretty cheap and it never hurts to have lender copies, right?


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