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Comments 34

takethispike June 27 2009, 04:44:41 UTC
this is... childish.

I'd like to know why the MCR thread got deleted, though. I know I'm not the most participative member (born to be a luker), but I don't see the point in debating anything anymore if it's just going to be deleted with no explanations. idk.


wabagoo June 27 2009, 05:24:25 UTC
No one really knows why it's gone. I just logged on one day and poof, no more.
Maybe it got too much attention and certain someone running the forums didn't like so much focused on it?
Maybe we talked too much [three posts is considered too much, right?] about the fact that one of the members had his offspring shoot out of his wife's vag?
Who knows. The system's fucked, but none of us can do anything about it. If we could do something, we'd have it in motion already, but alas we cannot it seems.


xanax_n_wine June 27 2009, 07:24:38 UTC
You know that Eddie was dying to delete the thread, so, even if we posted about how we thought that "House Of Wolves" was out of tune, he'd delete that.
Maybe I'm being too mean now, but i have the feeling that they try to "protect" the image that we have from the band, not allowing certain 'negative' comments; making us sounding like fangirls, agreeing with every step that the band does. I'm not going to enter this subject, but what I say there, in my journal or in other places, i'd say in their faces.

i didn't know that the thread had been deleted, Leslie was the one who told me. If I'm upset? Yes, I am.

And, Paola. Seriously, she loooves to pick on people, to be the one with the last word and, not satisfied, to be the firestarter. One of the reasons that I'm away for a while, it's her. One of the reasons why "veterans" left, was her. So...


wabagoo June 27 2009, 07:36:19 UTC
Agreed one hundred percent. I think they feel like Frank will one day just pop up and look in the MCR thread and be like "OH MY GOD, YOU LET THESE KIDS GET OUT OF LINE LIKE THIS!?" It's ridiculous and I think Frank would shit if he knew what was really going on in the forums and with the company in general. [That is, if he actually checked up on it once and a while. But that's a whole other matter.]

Oh wow, I didn't know that. Yeah, she definitely makes me wanna keep away, but I have some really good friends there, so she's not going to drive me away from them. I can put up with her shit until I get banned for it. And get banned I will gladly do defending myself against her.


ally_sha June 27 2009, 13:52:40 UTC
Shit like this is just immature.
Im not even involved with any of it, but reading stuff like that still gets me pissed off..


wabagoo June 28 2009, 06:33:28 UTC
Tell me about it.
See, this is why I just don't 'be the bigger person' and leave it alone. I do that and look what happens? She brings it back up again somewhere else.
I just feel like she's constantly poking me in almost every single post she makes and I just need to smack her hand to make her know that she's not going to get away with it. And she doesn't like when I smack her hand so she now punches back back and the cycle starts allover again.


ally_sha June 29 2009, 06:13:24 UTC
Some people just crave the attention to pick fights and play the victim afterwards.
Fighting via the internet is in itself pathetic, as much as it sucks and that you want to defend yourself - sometimes you just hope that karma comes back and bites that girl in the ass... hard.


wabagoo June 29 2009, 06:42:47 UTC
Yeah, I'm just glad the people who matter aren't falling for her shit.

...so hard. So.hard.


ohmgroffel June 28 2009, 19:07:52 UTC
If I ever encountered Paola in person, I honestly would probably beat the shit out of her. Just because ALL she does on S//C is start shit. If you even just disagree with her, she's flips out and picks a fight.

and I'm not a veteran, but I am definitely down for the idea with trying to get our point across to that certain somebody that S//C really IS falling apart.


wabagoo June 29 2009, 04:16:25 UTC
Haha, I'd bring the rope.

Yeah, man. I just think we all need to be organized instead of everyone thinking up their own shit. We'll think of something soon 'cause it can't keep going on like this.


wallflowergirl June 29 2009, 04:23:09 UTC
Paola irritates me to no end. I even try to be nice, and she still picks away at me. It's maddening.

Also, WTF. I didn't know the MCR thread was deleted. I don't go in there much anyway, but damn.

I'm thisclose (pretend those letters are really close together) to leaving. I just hate it that there are people on there I like, you know? I don't want to lose touch with them. But after last night in the chat (and now them deleting the MCR thread for seemingly no reason), I don't know if I have the fight left in me to stick around. All the bullshit just makes me sick to my stomach because I actually cared about the place (both board and company). I'm starting to think Iero is legitimately just a gigantic douchebag (or at least he hangs out with a bunch of them and lets them rule the roost).


wabagoo June 29 2009, 04:39:03 UTC
I didn't go in much either, but what's really stupid/weird is it getting deleted and then a day or two later, Gene posting a separate thread for some LTD Ed. MCR vinyl or something. That was stupid as fuck.

Yeah, the whole chat group and everything I'm really close friends with and even people who don't come in that often. I don't want to just end the friendship because of this corruption/this girl.
I know what you mean. I don't want to think of him like that, so I'm holding myself off the thoughts and feelings, but they're still there.


wallflowergirl June 29 2009, 05:04:58 UTC
Yeah, I'm just in daily shock over how much stupidity goes on there. And how much hyperbolic love and enthusiasm. It's like walking into a fucking candy factory except they're slaughtering baby calves behind the lollipop machines. Hahaha. I don't even know what that means, and likening the censorship to killing bb cows is probably over-the-top. WHATEVER. I'm going to stop digging this ditch of nonsense.


wabagoo June 29 2009, 06:40:23 UTC
I totally get what you mean. [The killing cows was a fair comparison.] Everyone's just reppin' their S//C love allover the place, but I see no real love or loyalty. Most are only staying for the same reason as us; the people we've met through it.

And, I forgot to ask, what happened 'last night in the chat'?


xanax_n_wine June 29 2009, 23:01:01 UTC
Okay, I know what to do and yeah, Iero will get it, no matter what.

Check your mailbox here in LJ and spread my email around, i know you will know what to do too.


wabagoo June 30 2009, 05:11:28 UTC
Okay, good. Thank you so much for doing what I wanted to do but had no idea how to get started.

I'll definitely pass it around. And I don't know if you know already, but, I wouldn't do it via S//C PM's. Apparently they can get access to them all, and a mass-message would surely up suspision.

Btw, do you have a approx. date you're going to send the info off or stop gathering it? The topic Nici posted... I'm gonna need a little time to answer it and I'd hate not be able to participate.
I'll definitely work on it soon, but, yeah, it's a complex thing that I don't just want to half-ass.


xanax_n_wine June 30 2009, 19:07:52 UTC
Oh yes, almost all the forums have the option where the administrator can see the pms and everything; i remember when i used to be an adm from a forum and we could see the pms.

I was planning to send everything before the end of July, but I don't think that everyone will reply that topic so soon, so that's why I wanted people to send opinions and everything to my email, so id print that and mail.
I will probably post sth as well in my lj, because i'd like that some people that aren't part of s//c anymore answer this question too. it's fair.


wabagoo June 30 2009, 20:17:24 UTC
Okay, methinks I'll just send what I have to say to your email... And, you know... Cut out the potentially-word-censoring middlemen.


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