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Comments 34

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w_a_i_d February 21 2011, 23:46:04 UTC
Thank you!

3. He bought Mendelssohn because he loves Sherlock Holmes. *whimpers helplessly*

He really does, a lot.


(Am I to take it Ms Strings' cover is blown? ^___^)


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w_a_i_d February 21 2011, 23:51:24 UTC
Thank you! I confess, I was so desperately keen on the music idea that I did a tonne of research, then got to a stage of small>fuckitIdowhatIwant -- but it's fascinating, isn't it, to think of music just starting to become what it is to us now, something you can have at your fingertips, and what it would be like to have had a real musician around all the time and then silence.


tweedisgood February 4 2011, 20:04:48 UTC
Wibble. Wibble. Oh, Mary's letter; Watson's self-flagellation for all the inevitable self-centeredness of grief. Stop it, dear boy, stop it. Someone comfort him. Anyone?


w_a_i_d February 21 2011, 23:52:04 UTC
Thank you for the wibbles! And yes, poor Watson. He will take quite a lot of comforting, I fear.


snarryfool February 4 2011, 20:15:10 UTC
To have both you and Wordstrings offer new fic within the same week is -- almost swamping in its wonderfulness.

Mary's letter is so funny and touching and generous. Well, I'll be sticking close to my flist till this one's complete, as usual when you write.


w_a_i_d February 21 2011, 23:57:04 UTC
Thank you! I have finally finished all the things, at least I think I have, because inevitably now there are more things, but still I should have some time to myself soon. I think.

Oh and I meant to say and may as well say it here OH YES THAT JOOSTER FIC. I had read it before but I'd never have found it again, and I think it was actually the first J/W fic I'd come across and so I sort of skimmed it in a faintly uncomfortable "SO JEEVES AND WOOSTER TOGETHER AND DOING IT, DO I LIKE THAT IDEA OR NOT?" way rather than really read it properly, so I'm very glad you linked me to it again, because it is gorgeous.

Though the power discrepancies, even when handled so well, do make me sad. H & W may never be able to treat each other as lovers in public, but at least they can treat each other as social equals.


snarryfool February 22 2011, 01:57:35 UTC
Can they? I'd think it would arouse suspicion ( ... )


w_a_i_d February 22 2011, 12:57:44 UTC
Hmm? Holmes and Watson are social equals -- they're both gentlemen. And while they can't kiss or talk about themselves as a couple in public, they can talk about being "intimate friends" and banter and even walk arm in arm, and all of that. But Jeeves and Wooster would have to live in a closet-within-a-closet. ...oof. So hard.

And yes, the whole paying Jeeves to do the chores issue -- if they start sharing the housework, then what exactly is Bertie paying him for? And if they don't, and Jeeves is waiting on Bertie hand and foot and sexing him too, then it's weird ... mind you I suppose it's not much different from Bertie supporting a wife.

The other thing is that I can believe that H&W are getting up to all sorts of mischief behind the scenes while the stories still happen mostly as Watson says. Whereas with Jeeves and Wooster, I feel like as soon as they get together, the stories from that point on must be assumed to be mostly lies. I mean I'm sure Bertie would still get into trouble and need Jeevesian rescuing, but it would play ( ... )


gilbygirl February 5 2011, 18:47:08 UTC
Oh my dear I have no words, you've stolen them all.

The letter Mary writes him...God, how perfect. How simple, lovely and perfect.

I'll say it then; If I'm ever to die of some horrible illness, I'm leaving my husband a letter like that.


I'll be lying there, dying, and I'll think of this fic and I'll pattern my final letter to my beloved after it.

Is that a bit sick?

Oh well...


w_a_i_d February 22 2011, 00:00:22 UTC
Hahaha. I don't think it's sick... after all, I did set out to write the best letter one could possibly write in the circumstances, so, I'm terribly flattered you think it could work as a model, though ... let us hope you're never in a position like Mary's.

But it might be a little sick that I found this comment so amusing.

But anyway, thank you so much, and thank you for your congratulations about the shkinkmeme award ages ago. I voted for Two Characters in Search of an Exit!

(Did I tell you this before? My mind is going, I swear.)


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