Jan 29, 2011 23:28

I want to write him a letter, for when I am dead.

But I keep scratching out My dear and then nothing else comes and that is not enough.

Where am I to leave it, where he will not find it too soon? How ridiculous if he were to read it before I am gone.  Worse than ridiculous, of course. No, I have no more plans to make and nothing more to do, and ( Read more... )

fanfiction, angst, antidote to sorrow

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Comments 38

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w_a_i_d February 1 2011, 23:55:25 UTC
Thank you! And indeed, poor Watson.

I know -- oh, I feel almost it's bad form to bitch about ACD when he created these wonderful people, but I could just shake him sometimes. Dude, you're moaning about Holmes keeping you away from writing ~~literature, but even your casually constructed retcon creates ALL THESE OPPORTUNITIES YOU JUST IGNORE my God. I mean I admit there are constraints of genre and audience expectation, but I'm sure he could have kept to them and still made more of this situation.

But oh well, more fun for us!

(Heh, I'm remembering when I killed off someone's wife in my pro work. It was already quite angsty, but my editor kept saying he didn't think the bereaved guy was emoting enough and I kept saying No, no, that's the whole point, he's having to clamp down the grief because he can't afford to give into it now. And eventually my editor said "...just milk it, Waid." And then I was all, "Oh, MILK it! I can do that!")


reggietate January 30 2011, 00:42:39 UTC
I stumbled across this fic, and I just want to say that it's one of the most moving things I've read in a long tim;, absolutely spot on characterisation. Well done!


w_a_i_d February 1 2011, 23:56:02 UTC
Thank you very much! Glad you found me!


snarryfool January 30 2011, 03:34:27 UTC
OMIGODJESUS you're writing another -- another work of art for updates to which I'll be checking my flist obsessively. I always hate to see Holmes and Watson separated by anything, including marriage, and yet I love an intelligent, sensitive Mary, and yours I think is the best I've ever seen; her death breaks my heart, and how tired she is of worrying about what her husband will do when she's dead.

Well. I hope effusive praise by an obsessive reader doesn't add up to, you know, *pressure.*


w_a_i_d February 2 2011, 00:02:35 UTC
Not at all -- it's lovely! Thank you.

I always hate to see Holmes and Watson separated by anything, including marriage, and yet I love an intelligent, sensitive Mary

I feel exactly the same way, and this fic is, in part, an attempt to work that through.


jenlee1 January 30 2011, 06:04:16 UTC
Oh. Oh.


Gorgeous, as always. I adore your Mary, here - intelligent and perceptive, and so very human.

Quite honestly, I'm torn between my irrepressible delight that you've begun another story (EEEEE!) and the delicious-yet-somber prospect of Hiatus!Angst on the horizon. A happy dance doesn't seem entirely appropriate, given the subject matter, but rest assured that I'm doing one on the inside all the same ;)

*camps out in anticipation of the next part*


w_a_i_d February 2 2011, 00:06:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased you like this Mary -- it felt a little risky, opening with anyone not Watson or Holmes. But I felt the poor woman deserved it. I hope you'll enjoy the rest (in an angsty sort of way, yes) as it continues!


zauzat January 30 2011, 09:44:09 UTC
Beautifully done. I love your way of capturing the exhausation and self-dsigust and wish for it to be over. And the wish to not have to worry about John on top of it all. Very moving without being in any way maudlin. It is great to see you writing again!


w_a_i_d February 2 2011, 00:31:37 UTC
Thank you. I wanted to show her love for John without it being all about him, for her to have feelings and memories that were just hers. Glad you're liking this so far!


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