Because posting my to-do lists on my LJ actually helps me GET STUFF DONE:
Clean kitchen
Empty dishwasher
Laundry (in progress: 1 load washing, one on-deck)
Dust living room
RESEARCH PAPER (goal: 3 single-spaced pages [which I will then convert to double-spaced so I beam at my level of accomplishment])
4 3/4"X10' PVC
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Comments 10
Perhaps this is weird, but I've become inured to most political discussion (though I might've caved recently out of annoyance at various factors), and even the most ignorant vitriol - again, from either side - is only kind of annoying...unless it's coming from my dad. That's why I'm dreading the outcome of the election: the gloating and piss-and-moan-ing will be endless no matter who wins, and I already know who I'm going to have to avoid. :(
...The silence of the McCain supporters is something that's been bothering me more and more recently. I've seen loads of news stories of McCain supporters whose cars have been vandalized, whose yard signs have been stolen or otherwise vandalized, and in one case, a man was beaten up for telling some guy who was vandalizing a McCain sign to knock it off ( ... )
It's kind of silly not to argue that the media's paying more attention to potentially racist or assholish Obama detractors--I've never seen any stories I can remember about people being bullies or outright dicks to McCain supporters, or if I have, it ends on a "See, the Book of Revelations said he was the Antichrist!! Poor people suck!!" note, which kind of pisses on its credibility. That said? Damn my brain if I ever thus conclude that it doesn't ever happen. Gahhh.
We should become omniscient and just get it over with.
The one that really sticks out in my mind was this guy (a gentleman on the elderly side -- probably in his early 60s) pulled over because he saw someone defacing a McCain sign. He told them to knock it off, and the guy doing the defacing beat him up (punching him in the pacemaker in the process, which sounds like the punchline of a really bad joke, I'll admit).
We should become omniscient and just get it over with.
Seriously, though, we may differ in which candidate we support (OK, to be totally honest I don't really support any of them, all are very flawed in some way) but you've stated your choice in a reasoned, logical manner and I can totally respect that. Contrast with all the unreasoning hate that I see (because many people vote for moral standpoints, which are by nature NEVER logical) and yeah.... it's damned refreshing, let me tell you.
If you'd care to tell me where you're coming from on this, I would be most interested.
For instance, I had a student want to argue that abortion was immoral -- but there's no quantifiable evidence to prove or disprove the morality of abortion. You can't measure morality, you can't cite it, and because morality itself is so subjective, and individuals have different moral compasses, it's difficult if not downright impossible to present a coherent argument, possibly because it's more an emotional argument than anything else.
Granted, morals and ethics do cross paths, and while it's sometimes easy to point to unethical behavior and say "That's immoral," it's not always so black and white.
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