Еще пару абзацев про определенный артикль

Oct 22, 2012 21:04

Небольшой рассказ в качестве затравки.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson invited their friends and neighbors to a party last night. They stayed home all day yesterday and prepared for the party. In the morning the Wilsons worked outside. Their daughter, Margaret, cleaned the yard. Their son, Bob, painted the fence. Mrs. Wilson planted flowers in the garden. Mr. Wilson fixed their broken front steps.
In afternoon the Wilsons worked inside the house. Margaret washed the floors and vacuumed the living room carpet. Bob dusted the furniture and cleaned the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson stayed in the kitchen all afternoon. He cooked spaghetti for dinner, and she baked apple pies for dessert.
The Wilsons finished all their work at six o'clock. Their house looked beautiful inside and out!

Обратите внимание на поднятые артикли. Несмотря на то, что эти сущности упомянуты впервые, они все с определенным артиклем.

В данном случае рассказчик опирается на бэкграунд читателя - все эти сущности детерминированы смысловым комплексом "дом-жилище".
Update: то есть можно сказать, что функцией определенного артикля является оформление "вложенного" смыслового комплекса.

Еще пример с примерно той же смысловой структурой (двор-дом-жилище):
Three kittens - the Black kitten, the Grey kitten and the White kitten - see a mouse and chase after it. The mouse jumps into the can of flour. So do the three kittens.The mouse jumps out of the can and scuttles away. And out of the can, there come three white kittens.
The three white kittens spot a frog on the backyard and dash after it. The frog hops into the old samovar pipe lying on the ground. So do the three kittens. The frog hops away out of the old samovar pipe. And out of the old samovar pipe, there come three black kittens.
The three black kittens see a fish in the pond and dive into the water for it. The fish swims away. And out of the water, there come up three wet kittens.
The three wet kittens go home. They get dried and become the Black kitten, the Grey kitten and the White kitten again.

еще пример, комментатор ведет репортаж с футбольного матча (по радио например) - футбольный матч и все присущие ему атрибуты и есть смысловая структура:
Here's the kick-off. The forward line is dangerous and gives the Scots trouble. Everybody is watching Yashin... alias the Black Panther... alias the world's greatest goalkeeper Ronnio. Simp-son, 36-years old, another great man defends the end.
Bobby gets the ball and carries it close to the goal. The crowd pushes and roars. Jimmy, the inside forward, scores a goal. Excitement hightens, but misconduct by Clement results in a penalty.

Еще небольшой пример, смысловой комплекс в данном случае - концертная площадка.
One night David and a group of his friends were in a pub discussing the forthcoming tour of the rock star Madonna. Sure enough David said he knew her. The friends secretly bought David a ticket and dragged him reluctantly along to the concert. About half way through her show Madonna leapt off the stage into the audience. She rushed up to David and hugged him. Together they returned to the stage.

Примеры взяты из:
М.Колпакчи Дружеские встречи с английским языком.
блог и сайт Юрия Щербакова.

Копилка, english

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