If I were asked to give a lecture series on the topic of my choosing, it would be:
The Lovely Ladies of Science
Wow, They Really Got Screwed.The first person I would talk about is Rosalind Franklin. Of the people in the world who can tell you who discovered the strucutre of DNA, 90% will tell you it was James Watson and Frances Crik. It's
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Comments 11
Further, a large contributing factor to the (still surprisingly) popular notion that "women are naturally ill equipped to do science/math" is the fact that women are not SEEN doing science and math, even when they are very very good at it. Rosalind Franklin by all rights should be alongside Marie Curie as Fucking Brilliant Women Scientists People Actually Know About. At least then there would have been two.
Having your work recognized as good, worthwhile, or even revolutionary is a privilige doled out heavily (formerly: "almost exclusively") to men.
Interpretation of the X-Ray Crystallography data was definitely made possible by elegant photos.
Just to muddy the waters, some of the images in question were done by Rosalind's post-doc, but they were stolen from her and her group.
I heard that Francis Crick's grandfather was a druggist and a buddy of Darwin becasue he collected moths (or something to that effect).
By the way, v, I friended you, based on our mutual interests in Twin Peaks and Swashbuckling.
Was that Wilkins? The postdoc, I mean.
I worked with Franklin's nephew for a bit last year--he had some Things to Say on the topic, if you can imagine.
Watson's The Double Helix is what REALLY kills me, although I believe that's what inadvertently led to the public acknowledgement of her contribution?
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