In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space

Dec 21, 2004 18:14

So I think my geometry final went okay. I became very frightened very quickly when I walked in and was handed back my midterm, and found that the prof hadn't given partial credit on one problem where I'd hoped she would and had given me a zero on a problem I thought I'd done a very thorough job on. If she'd graded the midterm this inexplicably ( Read more... )

2004.12, wtf?, school

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Comments 4

vito_excalibur December 22 2004, 15:24:58 UTC
Glad the midterm stuff got straightened out! That would have been a sad mistake.


capnkjb December 22 2004, 16:54:24 UTC
I would imagine that he was asking about your plans because he is facing similar questions - whether or not to apply for grad school, etc. Either that, or he is nosy like my mom.


shipofools999 December 22 2004, 19:02:06 UTC
I took a test to one of my few non-english speaking teachers and managed to get a D turned into an A. I was able to prove I had gotten the right answers even it it didn't look exactly right (time dilation problem, almost but not equal to C). Part of the problem is that they have a bunch of tests to grade so they take a swipe and move on. I found that if I had any questions on why I got the grade I did, it was worth talking to the prof. I didn't always give me the grade but I would find out why they did what they did and I could watch out for it later.

Good luck with the final.


ailurodragon February 3 2005, 08:13:31 UTC
In the spirit of making up this fellow's life:

He's pondering changing his major. He's not sure wht he wants to do after school, and he's picking your brain, trying to decide if he wants to continue on the path he's travelling, or chuck it all and join Cirque du Soleil, or perhaps more drastically, become a Liberal Arts major.


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