More academic homesickness (can you be department-sick?)

Dec 15, 2004 00:52

Another screwy thing about writing history as opposed to philosophy papers: I keep coming across stray bits of information that seem kinda significant and figuring I ought to at least acknowledge them, but then I can't find them mentioned or given any kind of coherent explanation anywhere else in all my source material, and I can't very well ( Read more... )

2004.12, school

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Comments 3

darcydodo December 15 2004, 09:06:40 UTC
Isn't that what footnotes are for?


vvvexation December 15 2004, 13:27:41 UTC
Hmmm. Guess so. That would be one more thing I've never had to deal with before. I think the real problem, though, is that I'm not sure how detailed I'm supposed to get. Never having written a paper on a similar subject, of a similar length, or with a similar breadth of scope, I lack that intuitive sense of how much detail is appropriate for one of those that you get when you're familiar with the other two.


marmaladious December 16 2004, 05:05:45 UTC
You think you're sick of the thirteenth century, imagine how the people living in it must have felt.

Good luck with that *crosses fingers, hoping for V's extension*


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