Washing before dinner; more from yesterday

Jun 09, 2009 13:34

From today's Washington Post,an article that's technically about lunch, but still.

I like the idea of sinks in restaurant seating areas. It's apparently prevalent in India.In other news, yesterday's post about Good Guys influencing More Guys continues to eat my brain; there are a couple of followups that I've got bookmarked for later: On Rerailing; on the search for role models in Media; on something that continues to resonate with me -- that I seem to have escaped this world most others are in. (I make a couple more comments in yesterday's post). [edit: just ran across another interesting post, from a year ago]

On the one hand I was an idiot to track comments on something that's now well past 800 of them; on the other hand, it's been fascinating.

[Edit: one comment that just came through seems to cut through a few assumptions I'm seeing here about the post: And, yea, the good guys really do need to speak up. Not only do we, as women, need the reassurance that the good guys really do exist, but the guys who might be on the fence with acceptable behavior need to know that there are guys they can learn from; there are role models out there. And they need to know that animalistic behavior is not expected or acceptable behavior for a man of any age.]

And on the third hand it really would have been nice to fall asleep when I went to bed last night. Braaaaiiins.

Edit: Oh, holy hell, I don't have time for this, and would people please at least read the bit above in italics and stop responding with "the original poster is attacking all men"?

[Edit: Here. Here's an example of, well, setting an example. And see the first response for the other extreme. (Girl's roommate gets her drunk and leaves her stranded at a frathouse. Frathouse looks out for her, and slams roommate and associates when they return)]

rape, cereta, feminist discussion, safety, good guys, gender

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