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kurai007 Your Top 5 Favorite Pokemon of all time
1: Vulpix
2: Empoleon(/Prinplup)
3: Pidgeot(/Pidgeotto)
4: Graveler(/Geodude)
5: Pikachu
Your Top 5 Legendary:
...I hate Legendaries...
1: Lugia
2: Groudon
3: Rayquaza
4: Suicune
5: Palkia
Your Current Team, and their nicknames (if you have any) on the last game you played:
...*pulls out
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Comments 21
Ah~ Grass type love! <3
I actually didn't realize I liked Grass types, until I realized how easy it was to train them, with their Absorb and what not. I don't care if they have a bajillion weaknesses, they conquer in Smart Contests. D|
Grass types are pretty neat ingame. Like going through a cave of ground and rock types or surfing on a long water route... Also useful for catching stuff if you use Sleep Powder or Stun Spore. Competitive play is another story. ;___;
*shudder* I didn't know that gymleaderwhosnameIforgotrightnow's Floatzel had Icy Fang. My Roserade was OHKOd. ;A;
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I got lucky. X3 Dammit, Lucario is so overrated and cheap, but I can't help but still use it. It's AWESOME and like, barely has any weakness, like Bocchi. Must be the Metal type. >.>
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Water won't do anything to Lucario. ...I mean, it would but not like ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE. But yes, fear of FIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My Bocchi is practically invincible. Whatever weakness the water type has is cancelled out by the steel and vice versa. ...Well, maybe Fighting type might scratch him. >.>
Crystal is so nostalgic to me. ...I'm still not done with my atual game though. The problem with Pokemon games are the parts where you have to Surf. I usually stop playing when you have to cross that big ocean to that one island off nowhere to get that badge. I hate it because of all the Tentacools. D|
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