Kisses: Raito

Jul 19, 2007 18:49

Title: Kisses: Raito
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: one shot drabble
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: Raito/Misa
Rating: PG
Genre: Angsty-ish
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Misa, Raito, or Death Note. I am not making money from this.
Previous Chapters: Kisses: Misa
Summary: Raito never thought that kisses was very important.

To Raito, kissing was insignificant. Love and romance were a waste of time. Sure Raito knew how to kiss. Technically he knew what to do, but kissing was not very high on his list of priorities. So when he did kiss Misa it was not out of need, want, or desire. He only kissed her to keep her loyal or to give himself an alibi. The only time Raito would kiss Misa was when it was for his own benefit.

His kisses held no true feelings, but he was not concerned with that. For Raito a kiss meant nothing. It was just another tool that he used to get what he wanted.

raitoxmisa, pg, het, english, death note, angst

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