Title: Sometimes (1/2)
Fandom/Pairing: Yuugiou; Seto Kaiba x. Mokuba Kaiba
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash.
Disclaimer: Yuugiou is copyright Kazuki Takahashi. Story is copyright V.S.
Notes: Half of a Christmas!gift for
queen_of_r. Randomly came about while I was in a rather poetic mood on an airplane (reading Neil Gaiman'll do that to you).
He was a driven, independent young man who cared for one person besides himself. He cared for the small, dark-haired boy sleeping next to him. )
Comments 1
And you know, one of my favorite things about this fic, pretty much just Seto's relationship with Mokuba in general, is that it reminds me that he really does have a heart underneath everything, despite what he shows on the surface. :3
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