
Jul 07, 2007 21:15

this is a follow-up to the previous vintage picture post. i forgot to mention that i've been buying these photos at a flea-market from two sots. today it rained and all their photos got wet, so they dumped them in a garbage containter, poor souls.

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flea-markets, vintage

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vriad_lee July 7 2007, 20:59:02 UTC
i love free stuff from garbage containers!


ryedeer July 7 2007, 21:24:56 UTC
Фото с "тремя поколениями" на фоне забора -- просто потрясно.
Кстати, если тут порыться на чердаке, наверняка можно найти что-то подобное, от бабушек оставшееся...


vriad_lee July 7 2007, 21:35:36 UTC
а ты еще ни разу на чердаке не копался??


ryedeer July 8 2007, 09:25:54 UTC
Не-а. Как-то не увлекаюсь я подобными изысканиями. Это надо Ольгу Ильиничну... Впрочем, она тут была, но предпочла по лесам гулять.


darksomnabule July 7 2007, 23:24:03 UTC
for your american slang collection: "dumpster diving"--i.e. going into the garbage to collect things :)


vriad_lee July 8 2007, 06:24:44 UTC
oh, thank you! it's a very useful expression :)


darksomnabule July 8 2007, 12:25:39 UTC
:) I forgot to use it in a sentence:

"Hey! Check out these awesome vintage photos I found while dumpster diving"


"Let's go dumpster diving and see what we can find."



vriad_lee July 8 2007, 12:50:29 UTC
i can assure you that this is my favorite form of diving! i'm a born dumpster-diver. no present or purchase can give me as much satisfaction as something salvaged from garbage. flea-markets are the closest thing to dumpster-diving that is socially appropriate, that's why i love them so much. and an attic full of toys is one of my most tantalizing dreams!


stillcarl July 8 2007, 01:01:24 UTC
I'm always amazed by how similar old photos from Russia can look to those from here. (Meaning the domestic ones.) Whether posed or casual, it's all very similar.

Oh, and someone did a family history which slightly touched on us, and there were quite a lot of photos of sidecars. They must've been popular for a while there.


vriad_lee July 8 2007, 06:22:02 UTC
don't you have sidecars now? i saw one the other day - although of course they are very few now. also, i didn't notice that old photos from russia and 'west' look similar? on the contrary, i thought that some expressions and conditions are very specific, like for example:





stillcarl July 8 2007, 09:09:37 UTC
We hardly have motorbikes now, or at least not in my part of NZ. The young here go for fast cars.

I was thinking more of the clothing and the look of what's in the background than expressions. Thrown together clothing and fences and such more knocked up than built. Anyway, scanned one old picture...


which doesn't quite convey what I mean, but will have to do for now. It'd be from the early 40s.


ryedeer July 8 2007, 09:37:29 UTC
You can hardly see a bike with sidecar in Moscow (there are mostly Japanese ones), but there are lots of them in "province". People who cannot afford even an old car tend to use the same old Russian bikes (Ural and Izh) as their "working horses".

The bike on the first photo seems to be "Ural" or "Dnipro" -- it is the Russian clone of a pre-WWII BMW model. By the way, they are manufactured here even now with almost unchanged design :)


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