Challenge 244 - Sad

Mar 20, 2012 00:02

I suppose I owe you guys a new challenge. I've been so caught up in Mass Effect 3 I totally forgot.

This week is going to be pretty open ended with a theme of "sad". You can capitalize on facial expressions, color, and cropping to achieve this. The special award this week will be for the best black and white icon.

You can use any caps you want. If needed, caps can be found at TrekCore.

  • Your icons must be sad
  • You can use any effect you want except animation.
  • You can submit up to 5 icons.

Deadline:Saturday, March 24th by 8pm EST. (NOTE: this is later than usual because I will be away from my computer, and because I posted the challenge a bit late)
Special Award: Best black and white icon.

Please post all questions in a separate post from your entries.

Please post your entries in the following manner:


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